15| My knight

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Their walk down to the bus stop was in silence. Not awkward. Simply silence. Joy felt he needed the space and he didn't have anything to say. They waited at the stop for a while. Due to the day being Sunday, the weekend, the buses weren't as rampant as during weekdays.

Joy looked to her left. A man in a white polo shirt, a pair of blue jeans and black sneakers had his eyes on her. His gaze wasn't appreciative in the least bit and if anything, it made her feel weird and uncomfortable. Joy decided to ignore his stare and looked away from him. For all she knew, his eyes may not be on her and she was reading it all wrong. After what seemed like a minute, she could still feel it, his stare and she reluctantly shifted her eyes to him. This time, he smiled, exposing a set of yellow teeth. He winked at her before throwing her a kiss. Immediately, Joy looked away from him and began to feel rather weary. She wrapped her arms around herself like that would be enough to protect herself from his creepy gaze. More than anything, she wished he would stop.

Joy felt an arm around her shoulder and when she saw whose it belonged to, she was surprised. Adedayo had bridged the space in between them. His arm held on tighter to her, forcing her into a close embrace and preventing her from being able to view the strange man anymore. She didn't know if Adedayo saw the man and the manner in which he behaved with her and this was his way of helping. But she was grateful that he did this. In a way, it made her feel better and safer. Like nothing in the world could happen to her while he was here. Adedayo wouldn't steady his gaze with hers and showed her only a few glances.

In the bus, he let her sit by the window before he took his seat next to her. Joy stared out through the open window and as the wind slapped her face, she shut her eyes while a smile crept up her face.

That evening, Joy wouldn't leave his side in the kitchen and insisted on watching him turn on the stove cooker. Together, both squatted with the stove in front of them and she watched while he did his thing. The fire came on. She stood on her feet and watched him pour the macaroni from its package into the pot of boiling water on fire. Adedayo's gaze constantly fell on her, his smile appearing and diminishing at intervals. When she looked at him, he was quick to look away.

Later, both sat on the double-seater couch although a gap lay between them. For a while neither said a word.

"Are you starting to recall any of your memories?" Dayo was first to break the silence. He wasn't sure why. Normally, he was the type who preferred the silence to be prolonged.

Joy shook her head. "No, nothing." Then, she turned her head to him. "Do you think I should hit my head on the wall? They might all rush back to me just like in the movies."

"What?" Adedayo's expression turned sour on behest of her words.

Suddenly, a hearty chuckle left escaped her lips. "I'm joking. It's a joke."

"Oh," were his words before he relaxed back into his seat.

Joy's gaze was on the small framed television. "It would've been nice if we could watch a movie together." She said and he could see she was staring at the television. In that period, Dayo wished he'd fixed up the T.V. and the channels were showing.

"I think we should visit the hospital and maybe you can get a brain scan." Dayo stated and her eyes were on him in a jiffy. She nodded in agreement and smiled even wider. Joy was grateful for the idea. The doctor or the scan might explain a few things to her and maybe, there could be a quicker way for her to regain her memories.

"Not tomorrow. Maybe sometime late this week. I have to gather a few funds." He explained although he didn't want to mention the money part. He felt she could better understand the delay if he told her the truth.

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