13| She laughed

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"Let me have four packs of indomie and two eggs." Dayo stated while he brought out the money from the pocket of his trouser.

Isoken packed the items into a nylon and handed it over to him. He paid her and she went in to get his change from the other naira notes she had.

"Thank you." Dayo appreciated it after she handed the change over to him.

"Um, Dayo." She called right when he was about to walk away. He waited to hear what she had to say. "The thing is, I... so, I spoke to the woman who's staying with you. I believe she said her name was Joy. Anyways... hmm, I don't think she's the type you should get married to."

Adedayo took in a silent and yet, deep breath. It was this issue again. The marriage talks.

"You need a woman who is kind, patient and understanding but, it was just a simple conversation I tried to have with her this morning and her attitude..." She pouted her lips in a disgusted manner. "... her attitude was something else. I say this to you because I care and I've known you. We also attend the same church so... think about it."

For a second, he shut his eyes and nodded to her words. "I've heard you. Thank you for your concern." She smiled and he was on his way. Dayo ran his free hand over his face. He wondered if he should scream it to the whole neighbourhood that there's nothing between him and Joy. Maybe that'll shut them up for good or... worse, open the door for more shenanigan stories.

Joy carried a fork full of the last strings of noodles on her plate into her mouth in one slurp. She found comfort in her seated position on the bare floor. It was easier to feed off the plate on the small center table. More than anything, she was glad the light was back. She shifted her eyes to Dayo who was quick to look away from her. Joy looked at his plate and saw he'd emptied his before she did the same to hers. She stood on her feet, carried her plate off the table and went after his.

"Thank you for the meal. Let me wash the dishes." She carried his plates off his hands before he could say anything. His desire was to let her know that she didn't have to do any of that. In fact, he preferred if she didn't do anything at all. But the words were stuck in his throat. His mouth opened several times but nothing came through and he was stuck watching her walk away.

A few times, Joy had watched Dayo do the dishes and really there was nothing difficult about it. Therefore, since he was better at handling the cooking, she was going to do this instead. She carried some water from the storage bucket and into the bowl in the sink. Joy picked up the liquid washing soap and pressed a lot from the bottle into the bowl. It didn't foam, at least not yet but she didn't understand that and pressed a lot more of the thick liquid into the bowl. Then, she remembered he ruffled the water with his hand so she did the same and the foam it brought out was more than what she wanted. Now, she would have to double rinse everything.

Joy had just laid down the last rinsed item when the lights suddenly went off. Fear gripped her in an instant.

"Dayo." She called and turned. Yet, she got no reply. Her hands wagged in the empty space in front of her as she tried to take her step one at a time in the midst of the darkness. Her heartbeat picked up its pace.

"Dayo!" She called again, louder than the first.

"Yes!" Dayo replied from the bathroom. He'd gone in a few minutes ago to have his bath. Joy hadn't gotten to the door of the kitchen when she slumped to the ground on her knees. Catching her breath became difficult with each ticking second. More than anything, she would love to snap out of the state she was in but it just wasn't going her way. Both of her hands laid on her chest, clenching onto it like that would ease up her state of distress.

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