Chapter 67 - Kuro

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I sat down beside the two children who were happily munching on a chocolate brownie. I had warned them beforehand that eating too many sweets would give them toothaches, and would make all their teeth to rot. Of course, I had said it so dramatically that they got scared to touch anything sweet for a while. This is why they could only enjoy it every weekend now.

Kai smiled as soon as he saw me, flashing that toothy grin that has chocolate bits getting stuck in between it.

'What a cutie...'

"Don't eat too much," I warned them again. They both nodded in response to my words.

"It's awake now?" Lost inquired and gazes at the little fox.. Her amber eyes glowing beautifully like liquid gold.

The fox swishes its tail in response to Lost. I assumed that it understood her judging from its actions.

"It did, just a moment ago," I replied and stretched out my arms to grab it off my shoulders.

I put it down the rug and it scampered for a moment before it decided to rest itself on my lap. A small smile appeared on my lips as I stroked its furs, treading the silky strands on my fingers.

'This feels nice... Now I understand why people in my world create warm articles of clothing from animal fleeces. I don't support it though...'

I find it cruel, honestly. Though I understand that animals get hunted all the time, as food or as guard beast or whatever. And I do know that wearing furs dates back to ancient times, according to the history book I had read before, but generally, I don't like the whole idea of it.

Just my two cents...

"It stuck on you. It is thankful," Lost commented.

"Huh?" I asked and looked at her.

She only blinked at me and says nothing before shoving a brownie inside her mouth.

'She did say something, right? I definitely heard her but I was distracted from my thoughts just now...'

I was waiting for her to answer but did not, so I dropped it.

Kai gazed at the little black fox. He appeared to be contemplating if he wanted to touch it or not. He is probably afraid that it would bite him if he did. In the end, his free hand reached out and slowly patted its head, though a little awkward.

When the fox did not show a sign of protest or distaste, he started petting it more. He then turned to me with his wide doe eyes sparkling like the azure waves glinting under the sun.

"It's so cute!" He exclaimed.

'I know right? Fufufufu~'

It seems that I am not the only one who likes furry animals... From the way he is getting all fussy, it would not be impossible that he liked the little black fox.

"Nadia, does it have a name?" he then inquired, looking really excited.

I looked down at the fox, "It doesn't, but a name huh..." I mumbled and scratched its ears.

The fox cooed and leaned on my hand, its tail was also swishing lazily.

'It acts more like a cat than a fox...'

But how do foxes act though?

My head raised and grinned at Kai who had forgotten the brownies.

"Let's give it one then!" Kai added.

'A name... hmm...'

It's honestly the last thing that I wanted to do. Thinking of names exhausts me more than answering my test exams. I mean, I have to come up with something meaningful, or what else is the point, right?

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