Chapter 15 - Learning About Magic But Not In Hogwarts

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It's a miracle that we had finally arrived at our destination without further delays, except for those two groups earlier. I was getting really tired of it. One more, and I'll seriously blow my top off.

I just can't seem to have a peaceful day today...

"Look at this place, so big!" Gwen muttered at my side as she gazed around the room.

My eyes roamed around as well.

"It really is..."

The Academy Library was big, bigger than our mansion's study room. Now that I'm thinking about it, I haven't visited the study again after the first time. I'm either at the backyard bugging Nathan or in the kitchen baking and making a mess.

There were rows and rows of bookshelves on the east side, while tables and chairs occupied the west.. Some students were also gathered here, reading books.

Well duh, this is a library. What are you supposed to do here?

Gwen and I went to the book section about magic which was on the farthest corner of the library. My eyes caught one book, it looks really old and wrinkly. I could already tell that this section isn't that popular.

I wonder why...

Gwen picks up one book and coughed when clouds of dust came off.

"These books are old as hell!"

I shushed her. Even here, her voice is still loud. She made an oops face and grinned at me.

"Why does no one visits this part? They don't want to know about magic? I mean, magic is cool, right?" I mumble, staring at the rows of books in front of us.

The magic section only has a row, and they were all old. I'm pretty sure these are outdated as well.

Squinting at the several tomes, my eyes then spotted one particular book which looks like it's still in good condition, so I plucked it. Golden words in cursive were written on the front, 'Histoire de la Magie'.

"This one looked a lot better than the rest," I showed it to Gwen who was dusting off one other book. It was really big...

"You're seriously going to read that?" My eyes stared at it. She can't even lift it properly and she's still taking it with her.

Gwen glanced at me and innocently blinked. "It's the empire's history!"

I sighed, "Fine," then helped her hold it.

We situated ourselves at the nearest table that we saw and put the books down. Gwen immediately opened hers, brimming with excitement. I looked at the book in my hand for a while, admiring the cover before flipping the pages open.

There were things written in the book that I have no clue what they were. It didn't really clarify what happened to the magical abilities of people, and to why it disappeared. It just said that a magician did something and then everyone became normal, except for the royal family.

Magia Regis was mentioned, but there's no further explanation after that. I'm even more confused now...

"This is so boring," Gwen mumbles at my side as she aimlessly flicks through the pages.

I eyed her, "You were really eager earlier, now you're saying it's boring."

She dropped her chin onto her palm and closed the book.

"All I see are names and dates. I got dizzy reading it..."

I let out a small chuckle and closed my book as well.

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