Chapter 27 - Excuse Me

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It was Saturday. This means no classes and no council duties. This also means I get to play for the whole day. Fufufufufu~

But of course, playing is not on my agenda today. Instead, I will practice for the upcoming hunt. And what am I practicing, you ask? Weapons! I am helpless in swords, I could not even lift it for my dear life, so let us cross that out of the list.

Guns? Are there guns in here? I have no idea, but nope, not guns either. It also kind of shoots, though...

That's right! Fufufufufu~ I will be learning archery today.

I could already imagine myself shooting arrows. In my mind, I look really cool. I hope it will be like that in reality..

"Good Morning, Uno!" I greeted him as soon as I saw him in the backyard.

Uno sheathed his sword and bowed, "Good morning, miss Nadia."

"Were you doing your routine?" He was flinging his sword when I saw him. He might be actually busy than he says.

I have contracted him yesterday regarding archery lessons. He says he knows how to use a bow, so I immediately asked him to teach me, and he agreed. What if I am obstructing him from doing his usual duties, right? I don't want that.

Uno shakes his head, "I was just warming up."

Ohh, is that so?

"Should I warm up as well?"

My eyes slid to the set of bow and arrow at the side. Ah! I am getting excited! I want to touch it...

"Yes. If you start right away, you might end up straining yourself." Uno looks at my outfit and nods.

Fufufufu~ Of course, I came prepared. I wasn't wearing a dress today. Instead, I donned into a white long-sleeved blouse and cream trousers. I also tied my hair into a ponytail. I was that eager...

Uno came closer and handed me a glove. Ah, right, I forgot to bring one.

"Use this for your right hand."

"Ohh, thank you~" I uttered and put it on. It was weird to me because only my right hand has one, but whatever, I am learning everything today.

We spent the whole morning doing things. Uno taught me the basics, the proper stance, and the perfect grip. I thought it was easy, but it was honestly tiring.

My arms are getting numb too from being spread wide, throughout the entire lesson. My fingers kind of hurt either. Good thing I followed his advice about warming up, or I might be crying right now.

Pain. No pain, no gain.

"Raise your head a little," Uno voiced out.

I slightly raised my head while intensely staring at the target board. There were times that I almost hit the center, but it just won't go in. It would always embed itself inches away from the dot.

I released my hold, and the arrow sped up and hit the side.


"You're doing great, miss Nadia," Uno reassures.

Aw Uno, I know you're just trying to appease me because I suck. It's okay. I acknowledge it.

"Ah, good afternoon, captain," Uno suddenly says and bowed behind me.


I dropped my hand and turned around. There, I saw Nathaniel walking in our direction. He was dressed in his white knight uniform, and he couldn't have looked so handsome than today. He was blinding.

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