Chapter 10 - A Little Tsun!

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I was currently in the middle of a challenging task. Which is baking.

I had never thought that baking is so tough to do. My hands were getting numb from the heat, and I have been burned so many times that I lost count of it. Good thing Mrs. Noel was there to teach me or there's a big possibility of me failing and burning down the whole mansion.

The five girls were also helping, some of them are just like me though, dazed and confused. Even Freesia was staring at a batter and the dough a moment ago, looking conflicted.

"M-my hands are tired," Amy whined and stopped whisking. Lily replaced her and started whisking the batter that Amy abandoned.

"Do you need help milady? I could whisk the batter for you if you're tired.." Mrs. Noel offered, but I shook my head. I need to do this alone or it won't count.

"O-oh no! It spilled!" Shouted Lily.

"You shouldn't have whisked it too hard! It would really spill if you do that. Freesia, that's enough eggs, stop adding more!" Mari reprimanded both of them.

That was the constant scene here, a total disorder.

I looked at Mrs. Noel in embarrassment. We were making so much mess, that the already chaotic kitchen looked even more untidy. Erin, who kept peeking at the oven, was scolded by Mari as well.

"I'm so sorry..." I apologized for the nth time.

Mrs. Noel only smiled warmly. She didn't look like she's getting fed up with us but looked more indulging instead. Like she's teaching a child.

"I am only glad to help the young miss. Young miss shouldn't worry anymore." She replied.

I'm really thankful that these two have the patience of a saint.

After more trials and errors, we finally succeeded in making the base layer, not crumbling, when touched. All of the former creations were either had too much flour, too many eggs, or both. The first one was the worst because it got burnt to charcoals.

I praise every baker out there. You guys are awesome!

"Quick! Quick! I want to put the icing!" Erin volunteered.

"I want to do it as well!" Amy chimes in.

"M-me too!" Lily joins.

"... I would also like to participate." Freesia mutters.

Marigold sighs as she looks them over.

"You guys..." She whispered while looking exasperated. I want to pat her in the back and reassure her that everything's okay. Which is doubtful even in my opinion.

"Let's do it then!" I exclaimed and they immediately perked up. Looking like excited children.

There were three trays and it was split evenly so everyone could have their share.

I smothered my batch of cupcakes with icing while humming a familiar tune. Then planted a bunch of strawberries as a decoration.

Nathaniel may not look like it, but he really likes strawberries. I got that piece of information from the novel.

"It looks... okay?" I muttered, squinting at my own work.

Yeah, it looked imperfect, but for a novice like me, it seemed fine. I guess... I mean, who knows right? I'm not good at these types of things.

"It looks good for a beginner milady!" Mrs. Noel complimented.

I blushed at her words.

"Thank you..." I muttered.

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