Chapter 10

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Paige POV:

I wake up the next day before Sky, so I slowly get out of bed, trying not to wake her, and head out of my room to get breakfast for the both of us.

Once I walk out of my room I notice Christyn, Nika, and Saylor all on the couch watching something on the TV.

"Morning Paige" Christyn says

"Good morning, how's everybody doing" I ask. They all respond 'good'

"Is Sky still asleep?" Nika asks

"Yea, I was gonna get us breakfast. Did you guys already eat?"

Christyn and Nika both answer yes but I hear Saylor mutter under her breathe "God Sky just gets everything handed to her"

I think Christyn and Nika heard her too because they both look at me not sure why she just said that.

"What?" I ask confused

"You can't say you don't believe me. She literally starts for us because her dad is the coach" Saylor says which makes me mad

"No, she starts because she earned it and worked hard for it" I tell her

"Yea, nothing was given to her" Christyn says defending Sky

"Yes it is. She literally sucked at Ohio State then she transfers here and is immediately a starter and is amazing because her daddy wants to make her happy" she says getting annoyed

"Saylor you need to stop talking right now because you have no idea what she went through at Ohio State" I say getting mad

"Oh and you do? She was a nobody before she came here, she's probably just dating you for the fame" she says walking closer to me

"I know a lot more than you do. So how about you stop assuming her life is perfect because it's not all sunshines and rainbows like you think it is. And sky is the last person who would ever date me for my fame, she's with me because she loves me for who I am, not because of the media coverage I get"

"Yea Saylor you don't know what you're talking about, I live in the same dorm as them. You can tell by the way they look at each other and act with each other that no one else matters in the world other than them" Nika says defending us

"Yea because Sky is selfish" Saylor says

"Okay what is your problem with Sky because I'm not just going to stand here while you talk bad about my girlfriend, who by the way, has done nothing to you" I say

"I've already told you, SHE GETS EVERYTHING HANDED TO HER ON A SILVER PLATTER" she says raising her voice

"Get. Out. Of. My. Dorm." I say to her through gritted teeth pointing to the door

"Yea Saylor it's time for you to go" Christyn says getting up and directing her towards the door

"Whatever. You know I'm right" Saylor says as she walks out

"That sounded like a fun time" Sky says opening the door to my room and coming to the living room where we are all standing

"I'm sorry you had to hear all that. Are you okay?" I ask walking over to her and wrapping her in a hug

"Yea I'm fine. It's okay honestly. I knew people would assume I'm only playing because my dad is the coach, just not one of my teammates" she says as we pull away but we still keep our arms around each other "and thank you guys for sticking up for me" she says looking at me, then Christyn, then Nika

"No problem" Christyn says

"Of course, she's crazy" Nika says which makes us all laugh

After we eat breakfast we head to the basketball facility to get ready for practice. You can feel the tension in the locker room because nobody is talking. Obviously the rest of the team found out what happened this morning. But it all seems like they are defending Sky because everyone is giving Saylor a dirty look.

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