Chapter 2

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Paige POV:

"So what's it like having Geno as a dad?" I ask Sky with a smirk as we are walking around campus after practice

"Probably not as bad as you think. Behind his tough exterior he's like a giant teddy bear. All he wants is for me to be happy. I honestly couldn't have asked for a better dad" she says with a smile and that smile makes me never wanna see her upset.

"That's sweet. My dad is like my best friend. He's definitely my #1 supporter. But if it wasn't for him I don't know how I would've stayed grounded and be the person I am today" I say honestly

"Oh please, even without your dad you'd still be as amazing as you are today. You have a great personality and you are super nice to everybody. That's just who you are" Sky says

"Aww you think I'm amazing" I say dramatically placing my hand over my heart "how sweet"

She playfully pushed my arm slightly "don't let your ego get to big" she jokes

We continue walking in silence for a little bit before she speaks up. "Thanks for being nice to me by the way"

What she said caught me off guard "What do you mean?" I ask confused

"Well the other girls aren't as comfortable around me yet. They think just because my dad is the coach I'm gonna play over them. But that doesn't seem to bother you. You are the first one, besides Dorka, to talk to me. But that doesn't count because we were teammates last year" she explains

"Oh. Well give them some time. They're probably still in shock. But I promise they are nice girls"

The whole team is currently in an apartment and we are all baking several cakes together. I don't know why, we were bored and we went to the store and decided to bake some. So here we are.

It's kind of chaotic if I'm being honest. There are a lot of people crammed in the kitchen and we are all making a mess.

Sky and I are currently working on one of the chocolate cakes. I'm mixing while she's pouring all the ingredients in. Mixing is definitely an arm workout out.

As I'm mixing, in the corner of my eye I see Sky dip her finger in the mix and raise it out with a mischievous look in her eye. I know exactly what she's about to do, but I'm too late to react because right as I'm about to move out of the way she touches my nose with the finger covered in mix, now covering my nose in a nice layer of chocolate.

"You did not just do that" I say placing the whisk down

"But I did" she says with a smile before dipping her finger in the mix again and placing it on my cheeks "And I just did that too" she says with a smirk

"Oh you're dead" I say as she takes off running but I follow quickly right after her

As I catch up to her I can hear her laughing before I wrap my hands around her waist and she freezes as we are in a room alone.

"Whatcha gonna do now?" I question with a smirk as I'm standing behind her

She turns around in my arms so we are standing face to face with hardly any space between us. My heart rate increases as I look into her beautiful brown eyes and it's at this moment that I know I want to know everything about this girl.

But, I also don't want to make her uncomfortable. So before anything can happen I decide to take her hat off and instead put it on my head.

"How do I look?" I ask playfully

"Oh, it's definitely a look" she says trying not to laugh which makes me smile

"There you two are" Azzi says coming into the room "Come on, we're putting the cakes in the oven" she adds before leaving

"After you" I say gesturing towards the door

"Wow. How kind" Skye says sarcastically putting her hand over her heart and walking out the door with me following. I shake my head and silently laugh at her actions.

Skye POV:

Im currently helping Christyn and Evina decorate the cakes while the rest of the team is watching The Outerbanks in the living room.

"So how are you liking UConn so far?" Christyn asks looking up at me

"I like it so far. I haven't seen that much of it yet but from what I have seen and the people I've met I really like it" I explain

"It will take some time adjusting but I promise you will love it here. All the girls, including us, are happy you're apart of our team now. They just need some time to warm up to you. But trust me they will. I went through the same thing when I transferred from Tennessee" Evina says

What she says immediately helps ease my nerves because I want all the girls to like me and accept me. Not just think I'm here just because of who my dad is. I want them to see me as one of them.

"Thanks. I really needed to here that" I say honestly

"Of course. If you ever need someone to talk to I'm always here" Evina says

"Is that why they call you Mama E?" I question with a smile

"Yes it is. She's the team mom. Anything you need she will do. She will cook you food. Do your laundry. Get medicine if your sick. Be there to talk to you. Literally anything. She does it all" Christyn says which makes me laugh

"Good to know" I say with a laugh

"Hey, you can't take advantage of it or the perks go away" Evina says pointing the frosting covered spatula at me to seem intimidating

"How long does it take you guys to decorate the cakes?" Nika yells from the couch "come watch this with us"

The three of us all look at each other and laugh before we put down the frosting, sprinkles, etc. and make our way over to them.

Evina and Christyn sit next to Liv, and I end up taking the empty seat next to Paige. As I sit down I notice Saylor looking at me with a dirty look, as she is sitting next to Paige on her other side. I choose to ignore it and continue sitting down.

"You want some of the blanket?" Paige asks me referring to the blanket she currently has over her lap.

"Yea sure. Thanks" I say with a smile as she covers me with the blanket as well. She gives me a cute small smile that I return before focusing back on the show in front of us.

I don't know why but I feel super safe with Paige. Like I could trust her with anything and I haven't even known her for that long. She just seems like the type of person that will drop everything to help someone and will put others before herself.

But I also wanna be that person for her. I want to be the person that she can come to when something is bothering her or when she's overwhelmed or just when she needs someone to listen to her. Especially when she's stressed out or the pressure is getting to her, I want to be there for her.

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