Chapter 3

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Paige POV:

After watching The Outerbanks for while longer we all went back to our rooms to get some rest before tomorrows practice.

Once I'm laying in bed I think about all the events that happened these past few days and smile when I think about Skye. I'm still curious why she decided to transfer. Not that I'm complaining. I just hope nothing bad happened to her.

My thoughts are quickly interrupted when I hear the door to my room open and I'm greeted by Azzi on the other side. She walks in and closes the door before sitting on the side of my bed.

"Um hello?" I ask confused as to why she just came in my room

"You wanna tell me what's going on with you and Sky?" She says

"What? What do you mean?" I ask. There isn't anything happening with us. I'm just don't want her to feel like nobody likes her.

"Oh please. I see the way you look at her in practice. The way you guys were teasing each other when we were making cakes. When I walked in the room with you two and you guys were so close you could kiss. You were wearing her hat and then during the show she sat next to you and you offered her some of the blanket" Azzi explains

Now that I think about it she's right. I do feel differently about Sky than I do anybody else. Azzi was the first person I came out too. She's my ride or die. I'll always be there for her and she'll always be there for me.

When I told her I was gay she was nothing but supportive and honestly it felt so good to tell somebody because it was like a weight was lifted off my chest. The only other people that know are my family and my team. They are the people I trust the most.

It's also not like I can come out to the internet because I don't know what that would do to my image. My manager/agent/publicist also have no idea because I don't know how they would react.

"So what. It's not like I can do anything about it" I say upset knowing I can't be with Sky unless the whole internet finds out

"Yea you can if you really wanted to. Yea the internet might be suspicious but they won't know anything until you confirm it yourself. They just have a bunch of conspiracy theories. So if you wanted to date Sky you could. Just don't confirm anything and don't kiss in public. But you can do everything else. They will just think you guys are super close friends" Azzi explains

I think about what Azzi says and she does have a good point. The internet doesn't know anything unless I confirm it myself. So in theory we could date without anyone ever knowing.

"Yea but she's Geno's daughter. And I don't even know if she's gay" I tell her

"Oh trust me she is. The backwards hat gave it away. Plus she looks at you the same way you look at her. And who cares if she's Geno's daughter. If you like her, go for it. You got nothing to lose"

"Yea the only thing I got to lose is my starting spot" I say sarcastically

"Geno wouldn't do that. He knows how to separate his personal life from basketball. Plus he knows we need you in order to win. Without you we fall apart if you haven't noticed"

"This is so complicated. Why can't life be easy" I say laying down on my bed with my hands covering my face

"Hey, don't stress out. All I'm saying is just think about yourself for once. You deserve to be happy. And if Sky makes you happy then go for it. I'll be right next to you supporting you" Azzi says sincerely

"I don't know what I would do without you" I tell her sitting up and giving her a hug

"You wouldn't be able to function without me" she jokes

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