Chapter 6

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Sky POV:

It's currently the Fourth of July. Everyone on the team went back home for the rest of the summer to see their families, that is except Paige. She decided to stay for the rest of the summer to get stronger so she doesn't get as pushed around this year, and to hopefully prevent injury.

I'm honestly not complaining because that means we can spend more time together since I live about a half hour away from campus. We've been hanging out everyday, either working out together, getting food together, or just chilling together. I've gotten to know a lot about her and she's gotten to know a lot about me.

Since it's the middle of summer, our college doesn't do anything for the Fourth of July since no one is really there so I decided to invite Paige over to our lake house and spend the holiday with me and my parents.

After getting ready for the day, it's around 12 so I make my way down stairs and I'm greeted by both my parents in the kitchen.

"Look who's finally up" my dad jokes

"I kind of have to be, Paige will be here any minute" I say sitting at one of the stools at the island.

"Great, she knows how to get to both of my houses. How fantastic" my dad says sarcastically mentioning the time when I invited Paige over to our house to go swimming.

"Oh please. I know she's your favorite" I say with a smile

"If you consider being at the bottom of the barrel my favorite, then I guess so" he says playfully

"Geno, stop being fresh" my mom says playfully hitting his shoulder right as the doorbell rings.

"I'll get it" I say quickly getting up any making my way to the door

"I don't think I've ever seen her move so fast in my life" I hear my dad say to my mom as I reach the door

I pull it open and reveal a beautiful blonde on the other side with a smile that can light up this world. She has her hair pulled back in a ponytail while rocking a UConn shirt and shorts.

"Hey, how was the drive" I ask after taking her in

"Not to bad. But I of course hit some Connecticut traffic" she says with a laugh

"It wouldn't be Connecticut unless you hit traffic" I say laughing "Come on in, my parents are in the kitchen" I say as we make our way to the kitchen.

"Hi Paige! How are you?" My mom asks excitedly pulling Paige in for a hug

"I'm good, it's good to see you" Paige says with a smile as they pull away and she goes back to standing next to me "Oh I brought some pre-sliced watermelon by the way, because it wouldn't be the Fourth of July without watermelon" Paige adds taking it out of her bag.

"Oh sweetie you didn't have to bring anything" my mom tells her

"No don't worry about. It's the least I could do for you guys inviting me over" she says politely

"How's the weight room been treating you?" My dad asks walking up to us

"I'd say pretty good, look at my muscles" Paige says rolling her sleeves up and flexing her arms which is more attractive than it should be.

After my parents greeted Paige, they told us to go enjoy the lake and they would call us in, in a couple of hours for dinner. So, I decided to take Paige out on the jet ski.

"Are you sure this is safe" she asks putting on her life jacket as I sit down on the jet ski

"Yes. I would never put you in harms way. Now come on" I say offering my hand to her to help her on the jet ski, which she happily takes.

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