Chapter 30: He's such a pig, that damn Rollings

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Chapter XXX: He's such a pig that damn Rollings

Tomorrow is already March being that spring break is coming soon.

"So we leave on the cruise ship on the Tuesday of our break. And we should be back Saturday if not Sunday the latest." Naomi tells me while eating one of her French fries.

"Yeah but that's two weeks away from now Naomi, are you sure you want to plan this shit out right now?" I ask her while sipping my Coke from Five Guys.

"Uh yeah, Carly tickets go by super fast for this. Now put your debit card information in here so you can buy your damn ticket." She tells me sliding her laptop over to me.

I sighed and got out my debit card and started to fill in my card information.

When I was done, I slid her laptop back to her and then started to eat my hamburger.

"I can't believe you made me pay $350 for a damn cruise." I tell her glaring at her.

"Hey now, don't be so snappy with me Carly Noelle Lukens, I just wanted to spend our last break together because next year you'll be in Rhode Island while I'm going to be in North Carolina." She tells me while putting her hands on her hips all sassy like.

Yep, Naomi got accepted into the University of North Carolina. I think that's what it's called. But she was ecstatic once she got her acceptance letter.

"Well let's go back to school girl." She says standing up and closing her laptop.

I sighed and stood up grabbing my car keys and grabbing my tray and throwing my garbage away then stood next to the door and waited for Naomi's slow butt to get moving.

"Hurry up already, I don't want to miss my Early Childhood Education class." I tell her glaring at her yet again.

We're setting up for the graduation of the children, which takes place tomorrow and which I'm so excited for.

"Okay sheesh, don't get your thong in a twist I'm coming freak." She says while shaking her head and walking up to me.

I sighed and followed her out the door and to my car.


I felt two arms wrap around me from behind and I gasped and smiled when I see it's Drew.

"Hey there, do you want to hang out? Practice got cancelled tonight." He tells me pulling away from our hug.

"Yeah sure. Want to go to Chick Fil a?" I ask him giving him a grin.

He chuckles and kisses my cheek.

"Yeah okay babe. I'll meet you there." He tells me while grabbing his car keys.

"Yeah okay, you're buying though." I tell him.
"Alright." He laughs.

Then his phone rings and he looks down at it and sighed.

"I gotta take this then I'll go to Chick Fil a. See you there babe." He tells me flatly and kisses my cheek and leaves.

"He's such a pig, that damn Rollings." Naomi mutters two hours later

We're at her place doing homework, and I told her what happened at Chick Fil a.

Drew and I met there and I asked him what his phone call was about and he told me not to worry about it, then later on his phone started ringing again and he smirked at his phone screen and then told me that he's going home and he'll call me later.

He then left right after that so I couldn't bombard him with questions that's doing through my head.

"Carly, honestly dump his pathetic ass." She tells me while shaking her head.

"For what? I don't have any proof of anything on him Naomi." I tell her while wiping my glasses.

She grins at me.

"I know a way we can find proof." She says grinning evilly.

"You better not murder anyone." I tell her sighing.

"We'll probably be in trouble for something else but it's sadly not going to be murder Carly. Gosh honey don't you know me at all?" She asks me with fake hurt.

Making me roll my eyes.

"Okay so what's your idea?" I ask her.

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