Chapter 16: Queen Slut for Homecoming Queen

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❁Chapter XVI: Queen Slut for Homecoming Queen❁

It was during our last class of the day, I was sitting with Naomi who's ordering our pizza for our sleepover tonight.

"Alright everyone, now here is your freshman homecoming court. Would these people please report to the front office after class." The old man of a principal said on the intercom.

We just ignored him and got back to business.

Then he said something about sophomores. They're nothing but wanna be juniors. And they even think that they weren't freshmen four months ago when indeed they were.

I mean, like I don't get why they act so superior from freshmen because they in fact are still underclass men. Like it's just the way high school works.

"Now your senior homecoming court." He said excitedly.

Naomi and I listened carefully.

"McKayla Fern, Keely Hursts, Sarah Tatum, Max Tatum, Lance Stevens, and Connor O'Day. Please remember everyone that has been called to report to the front office after class thank you for your attention." He said then turned off the intercom.

"Drew didn't get nominated?" Naomi asked while looking at me.

"I guess not. I didn't have time to nominate him." I stated.

"What? Well that's not very nice of you." She frowned.

"I mean, I guess. But we're still friends so as long as that matters." I piped.

She nodded then got on her phone, probably checking Instagram. She's been obsessed over some famous male cheerleader lately.

And she thinks that he would follow her right back. But that my friend is not how it works. I mean, I'm following Kendall Jenner and you don't see her sending me a follow request.

Like that's just the way how life works... Well in the case, social media.

Once the teacher told us that the seniors could leave, Naomi and I grabbed our things and walked out of the classroom and down the hall to our lockers.

But we just walked by the lockers and to our cars that are in the parking lot.

But then Drew grabs my elbow and Naomi stops and wriggles her eyebrows while I just glare at her and she holds her hands up in mock surrender.

"Where are you two going?" He asked me.

"Naomi and I are having a sleepover, and we just watch a movie and then later do our homework. It's what you normally do on a school night." I inform him matter of factly.

"Oh, well have fun. And I'm going to call you later okay?" He asks looking into my eyes.

"Alright, can't wait." I chuckled.

He nodded and then smirked at me. Then he turned around going the opposite direction, while I turned to face a smirking Naomi.

And she grabs my hand and then says that I have to tell her on the way to my house everything that just happened those past five minutes.

"So I'll drive to your house and then drive you back to mine." I say while unlocking my car.

"Yeah okay, sounds good to me." Naomi says while getting in hers.

"Okay, but let's hurry because if Marcus is home when the pizza comes, there will be no pizza left for us to eat." I said nervously.

Naomi's eyes went wide. And then she nodded then started the engine of her car. I chuckled then got into my own and started my engine.

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