Chapter 15: He's a real keeper

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❁Chapter XV: He's a Real Keeper❁

Waking up for school, is the one thing I really hate about, especially knowing that it's raining outside. Now I have to drive through a rainstorm. Which is a pretty damn stupid and hard thing to do, if some of you know.

"Carly sweetheart, it's time to wake up." Marcus said in a fake high girly voice.

I rolled my eyes even though he can't see me.

"What's your problem? Like why wake me up? This isn't the first day of school you know." I said once I sat up and yawned then yawned again.

"Awh don't be so grumpy. I just wanted to wake my little sissy up, how hard does it have to be?" He cooed with a smirk on his face.

"Very, now shoo so I can change." I said while getting out of bed.

He just laughed and walked out of the door and slammed it shut.

I change out of my pajamas and into dark denim skinny jeans and a pink ruffle tank top. With black flip flops and my hair in a side bun. I decided to wear my glasses today.

So I walk across the hall and into the bathroom and then put on my glasses from the case and then smiled at myself in the mirror. And brushed my teeth then walked out of the bathroom and back into my bedroom and grabbed my backpack.

"So, who's the one?" My mom asked once I made it into the kitchen.

"Drew, he's the one that texted me first." I smiled while looking down at my phone.

"Ah that's good. So what are you going to do about it? Are you going to tell him or
something?" She asked while handing me my breakfast.

"I'm not sure, like he's really popular. And people are looking at us whenever we hanged out together around school." I sighed.

My mom just frowns at me, then starts to make her own plate, while I eat my vegetable omelet.

I mean I don't mind that people look at Drew and I at school, it's just getting to the point where I would literally walk up to them and grab their peeping eyeballs out and stomp all over them then walk away with class. Then later on apologize for my rude behavior because I'm also a good person. And I need their full student support if I want to remain the class valedictorian.

"Hello wonderful family." My dad said walking in with a cheerful voice.

"Morning dad." I grumbled while he kissed my head.

"Awh is someone being grumpy?" He cooed while wrapping his arms around my mom's waist and started kissing her neck.

I almost gagged on my food so I pushed my plate away from me and stood up and grabbed my backpack.

"That's gross, get a room dad." Marcus groaned while walking in.

"Sorry guys, but your mother is just too addicting." He chuckles while kissing my mom's lips.

"Remember how you said that making kids was addicting?" My mom asked with a smirk.

I screamed and grabbed my car keys and ran out of the kitchen and then got out of the front door and into my car once I put my backpack on the passenger's seat, I put my seatbelt on with my phone on my lap and I pulled out of the driveway.

And started to drive to school.

Away from my hormonal parents. I mean, they can be cute sometimes, but most of the time they can be a little too damn much.

"Hey freak." Keely said while leaning against the locker.

"Hey Keels, so what's up with you and Connor? I saw your Instagram selfie with him yesterday." I smirked while putting things in my locker.

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