Chapter 14: Mother knows best

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Chapter XIV: Mother Knows Best

My mom pulled into the drive thru. And started to roll down the window of her car.

"What do you want?" She asked while looking at me.

"The usual mama." I said while taking off my big sunglasses.

She sighed and told the drive thru person what we wanted.

My phone then buzzed and I looked down at who texted me, it was a text from Drew.

Drew: Oh sweet Lukens, what are you doing for this lovely day off school?:)

I chuckled at the message. He's so weird. But a cute weird. So I decided to use this reply.

Me: Sorry got a beach date with my mom maybe next time?

I hit send with a smirk and then leaned against the window. And closed my eyes. For like ten seconds and then my phone buzzed yet again.

Drew: Awh!:( okay guess I'll just sit on my couch by myself

Then I had a thought, and sent a message.

Me: Well I guess you can:)

"Who's the lucky guy?" My mom asked while grabbing our drinks.

"What guy?" I asked innocently.

"Come on Carly Noelle Lukens, I was a teenage girl once, I know when to talk to a cute guy." She chuckled while grabbing our food bag.

"His name is Drew. And I sit next to him in AP Psychology." I said while clearing my throat.

"Ah well is he a jock?" She asked while driving away.

"Yes he is, but Marcus doesn't like him." I sighed.

"Marcus won't like any guy that is talking to his little sister. But that's normal." She said while turning on the blinker.

"When can he stop? It's pretty much annoying the hell out of me mom." I groaned.

"Uncle Todd and Gavin were overprotective of me when we were in  high school so you have it easy with just one brother." She said looking lost in thought.

"Still Marcus is annoying, can he just move back to Clemson? Those three months were the best months of my whole life." I explained.

"Oh Carly don't be so dramatic. Marcus will stay with us for as long as he can. You know why he can't go back." She said while giving me a look.
I rolled my eyes while taking a long sip from my Dr. Pepper.

Marcus can't go back because my dad doesn't trust him. He would spend most of his nights partying rather than studying like he's supposed to do when he's in college. And my dad just can't afford Marcus to fail because he's too smart to put doing his homework on hold to party. Also, Marcus was living in a frat house, and that made my dad completely lose it.

"Yeah only because he's irresponsible and can't control himself when it comes to partying." I scoffed.

"Carly Noelle!" She chastised.

"What? Mom it's the truth. Marcus just couldn't handle peer pressure so dad made him move back." I simply said all smart-like.

I then got my nook out and started to read City of Glass. Well more like finish it.

My nook is pretty old, I had it since last Christmas. It was a gift from my aunt who is diagnosed with cancer. And my mom told me that I should use it for the sake of her sister in law. So I have been using it since May.

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