Chapter 64: The Last Parade

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"Chin up

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"Chin up." Harp lifted Sera's head towards Mica and gently closed her eyelids. "Can I say something?"

Mica tapped his brush on the side of the palette and picked a frosty lilac shade, gliding it all over her lids. Eos ran around in the background, her heels almost scratching the metal floor with how she dragged her feet on them. She grumbled complaints under her breath that were loud enough for the entire room to hear. Harp would add to her complaints every so often.

"You're going to say it anyway." Sera replied, her words slurring.

With a swift hand, Mica moved to prop Sera's head up. "I know you're tired, we all are but please don't fall asleep." He said tiredly, resisting the urge to rub his own eyes with his gloved hands.

"I'm trying." Sera opened her bloodshot eyes, wincing at her reflection. Her face was pallid, devoid of all-natural color. Only Mica's powder and cream makeup gave the illusion of her being alive.

Resisting the urge to scowl was hard work, it was even harder to keep herself awake. Her nightmares had started to return since the Quell had been announced and Eugene's presence became more frequent with the occasional apparitions of Gaius, Amethyst, and sometimes Jenny.

The only time she found reprieve was when she busied herself talking about the rebellion with Beetee and Zephyr or when she was with Finnick.

But the last time she'd seen Finnick was when they had gotten off the train. That was a day or two ago. He'd been ushered away by his team and she had to lead her team away in two separate cars to the Training Center.

She hadn't seen him since then. Unless she counted the countless posters of his she'd seen in the faint distance dotted around the streets of the Capitol whenever she looked out from the windows of Five's floor.

"What did you want to say, Harp?" Sera asked.

Harp chirped. "I'm's not you going back."

"Harp." Mica shook his head along with the brush in his hand. "You can't say that."

Eos sighed. "She's right." She brought forward a lilac stiff silken dress that almost looked white at first glance, with blooming petunias losing their petals that scattered across the short dress. "It's awful to say it out loud but I'm—we're glad you're not going back. Harp nearly bawled her eyes off when she heard your name being called. Let's not even talk about Emilia..."

"Emilia screamed." Mica added and Sera nodded. Likely for her former escort to scream. She was more emotional than Eos and the rest of her team.

"Very overdramatic, that one."

Pulling Sera's head back, Harp chirped. "I would've screamed too if Emilia didn't because knowing you—you'd be grabbing a's bad for you to touch knives."

"A knife." Echoed Mica and eyed Eos for an answer.

"Oh, that—" Eos started with a sigh and tilted her head towards Sera.

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