Chapter 61: False Victories

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Huxley ripped off the posters from the wall and tore them into two before crumpling them up

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Huxley ripped off the posters from the wall and tore them into two before crumpling them up. He glared at the harsh summer sun. His eyes were a little red from the pollen floating in the air.

"And now there's another one." He spat out.

"How many was that?" Sera pulled up the sleeves of her green cotton blouse and stepped back to make sure her skirt wouldn't get drenched while she watered the flowers.

She barely caught a glimpse of the poster between opening the shop and listening to her brother-in-law's rants.

The shredded poster of Huxley, a younger him, fresh out of the arena with bold letters signifying that he was a victor along with his district.

"Four or five? I'm not sure. They keep popping up everywhere." He grumbled and tossed the ripped poster to the side. "It's like an infestation."

"You're ripping up Capitol property," Zephyr said, dragging pails of flowers to the front of the shop. "If a Peacekeeper catches you, you'll be in big trouble."

"Zeph, have you been drinking?" Clarisse interjected for a second, stepping over the puddles on the floor to drag out another set of orders for pickup.

Zephyr's eyes darted to the sides before he answered. "No, I'm as sober as..." He turned his head around to look at Sera. "Sera."

Yeah, Zephyr had been drinking. Sera said nothing but both Zephyr and Sera knew that he'd been drinking. Clarisse turned her head to the side and Zephyr looked away, knowing she'd be able to see right through his lies.

"And you," Clarisse called out to her brother when Huxley moved to discard the ripped poster. "Are you trying to get yourself into trouble? You know that's Capitol property. You can't just...go around destroying things like that."

Sera slowed down, tipping the watering can upwards to slow down the speed of the water, and hovered around the Foret siblings.

Clarisse had never been the cautious type.

Sera knew her too well. Zephyr knew as well, he looked over his shoulder to give Sera a subtle look that Sera mirrored.

Between the two siblings, Huxley was the cautious one, not Clarisse. But things had changed in Five when she'd returned. Clarisse had become more careful, constantly looking over her shoulders and Nox had turned more careless.

One started locking doors and covering windows during the day while the other snuck out when the sun set. Sera had never felt so lost being back home. She'd barely recognized how almost everyone and everything had changed over a few months.

Only Talissa, Huxley, and Ramiel had stayed the same.

While District 5 had changed.

There was a perpetual haze of winter over Five. It was not the coldness but rather the bleakness that had been left behind in the wake of winter. Everyone seemed to be in mourning, they just didn't know it yet.

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