Chapter 19: Walls Could Talk

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Scorching sun's rays covered the sandy arena, shelter was limited and so were resources

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Scorching sun's rays covered the sandy arena, shelter was limited and so were resources. The bloodbath that year was an instant bloody mess once the tributes realized the severity of their situation when they opened their eyes and the countdown for the games began.

Within moments of the countdown ending, everyone was at each other's throats. Ira had fallen down to her platform and cried out in horror as the carnage raged on. Zephyr, on the other hand, was smarter than Ira. He had taken Sera's advice on observing the other tributes during their training sessions and he knew who to avoid and what they would do.

While the massacre carried on, he was quick on his feet and dodged the careers and potential threats to grab a few bags of supplies. He was even lucky to pick up a set of knives and a spear whilst dodging the attacks of other tributes. He came back and grabbed Ira, grabbing her to run towards the sandy desert.

Surviving in the endless desert was tough but somehow Zephyr managed. He had memorized traps and habitats of mutts in the entire arena during his night scouting pair missions with his other allies. He had come far.

The only real challenge was keeping Ira alive.

He really didn't care for the loud and cowardly girl but Sera had reminded him he would need her and she did come in handy when he needed to test out an undiscovered piece of the arena their group had stumbled upon. She had helped him and their group discover a massive sandpit worm when she accidentally stepped on something she shouldn't have.

Imagine their horror when the ground shook violently, causing a short-lived sandstorm and from it emerged the giant head of the sandpit worm. The worm went back in and opened its mouth wide, revealing rows and rows of huge razor sharp teeth. Ira tripped and almost became a worm meal had Zephyr not acted fast to pull her out.

Now she was dying after coming so close to the end. There were only six left. She cried thinking how close she was but no tears came out from her eyes, she had nothing in her anymore.

Like a fish gasping for water, Ira opened and closed her mouth while muttering incoherently. Her lips trembled weakly as her eyes struggled to keep themselves open. Her body begged for water. Zephyr slowly but somehow hurriedly brought the canteen to her.

"You don't have to be 'nice' or even help your allies if you don't want to but—remember—appearances matter." Those were the words Sera had drilled into Zephyr's mind. She could see it from the screen, his hands shaking as he held the canteen of water close to Ira's dry cracking lips.

It was already late for her. Her skin had already shriveled up. Her eyes were foggy and she was delirious from the heat. She could barely keep her conscious and would pass out any second.

Just as Sera had predicted, Ira fainted.

"Ira? Ira? Ira!" Anona from District 11 kept calling out to the fallen tribute, trying her hardest to wake her up. Zephyr started to shake the lifeless body of Ira but she didn't move at all.

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