ruby punishments and failures

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req for Julian visiting Scarlett while her ruby cage was on
Setting: Finale (au of chapter 42)

     "Jo," Julian grabbed her arm, catching her before she walked off. "Can we talk?"

      Jovan gave him a smile. "Of course, Julian."

      Julian pulled her into a secluded area where he was sure his brother wouldn't hear them. The closet in the basement of his brother's house. It was dark and tight and Julian had batted a few cobwebs out of the way as he brought a candle up so they could see.

       "Oh no." Jovan's mouth quirked down. "This is something Legend wouldn't approve of, isn't it?"

      "My brother disapproves of many things I do, Jo. You're going to have to be more specific."

     She glanced around nervously as if Legend would pop up any moment, saying I caught you! Her voluminous curly hair was a little smooshed by the clothing rail above her head, but she paid it no mind. "I don't like betraying his trust, Julian. He's done a lot for me."

      "I know, I know. I hate asking you this, but I'm desperate, okay? I need to talk to Scarlett, can we trade jobs, just for the night? You look over the house while I sneak into the Menagerie," Julian pleaded with her. He just wanted to watch over her, even if only for a little bit. Although he trusted Jovan, he didn't entirely trust anyone for this specific job.

      Jovan's eyebrows scrunched together, a pitying expression taking over her face. "I want to Julian, but you heard Legend's orders..."

     "And you know me, Jo. If you paid any attention at all the past two Caravals, you would know how madly in love I am with Scarlett. I need to see her, check on her, no one knows her like I do." The candle began to flicker, and Julian felt himself getting a little claustrophobic in the small closet. "We go way back, I'll do anything, please."

      Jovan sighed. The sigh of giving in. Finally. "Fine. But if we get caught, I'm telling Legend you drugged me." She was smiling now, teasing him.

      "Deal." Julian extended his hand out to shake, but his elbow smacked into the wall. "Ow."

      "Don't take too long, Julian. The last thing we need is either Legend or The Fallen Star knowing you snuck out." They both exited the closet, and Julian took deep breaths now that they were in a more open room.

      "Speaking of sneaking out." Julian turned around to wink at Jovan. "Don't use the stairs in the kitchen to sneak into Aiko's room tonight. The floorboards creak."

      Jovan's mouth opened, but no words came out as a rare blush was seen on her dark skin.

       "You're not as slick as you two think you are. And thank you!"


      Scarlett looked herself over for the millionth time in the mirror, fighting the tears that streamed down her face. Though the magically decorated room around her told her otherwise, Scarlett felt trapped in a nightmare. The word pathetic echoed around in her head until it was all she could hear. 

      That was until a door creaking pulled her from her destructive thoughts. The sight of him made Scarlett's heart flutter and sink all at the same time.

      Julian's expression was stunned. His eyes looked a little glossy too. "Crimson..."

      "I'm sorry," she sobbed, turning away to look up at the painted ceiling of the Menagerie, shame drowning all of her senses. "I failed you, I failed everyone, and I'm sorry. I couldn't get his blood, and I failed."

      It was a simple task. Get the Fallen Star's blood. But she couldn't. All she got was a blood-red cage around her head.

     Julian shook his head. He walked up to her, moving to touch her but realizing he couldn't. "You didn't fail anyone, Crimson. You're the bravest of us all, doing this. We'll find a way to get rid of this cage, I promise."

      Julian's words touched her, but it was as if she didn't hear them. Scarlett stared off into the crimson wallpaper. "Tella wouldn't have failed," she whispered, voice hoarse from crying. "Paradise wouldn't have failed."

     "Don't compare yourself to them. You don't know they wouldn't have failed, and maybe this will get us something better." Julian's finger reached to trace her cheek through the bars of her cage, soothing Scarlett.

      "I'm trying so hard, Julian. This is Hell. All I've ever gotten in life when I'm close to freedom is punishments." Flashes of Tella being hit by Marcello shot through her mind. Flashes of Felipe drowning. "You need to get out of here before he comes back. I won't fail you again."

      Her eyes lingered on his scar, reminding herself of the night Marcello dragged the knife down Julian's beautiful face. It didn't go unnoticed by Julian.

     "Oh, Crimson," he murmured, his fingers tracing her lips now. "You've never failed me. Not once. Any pain I've faced around you was my choice, because we get out of things together, or not at all."

     Scarlett hooked her pinky around his. "Together or not at all."

      She wanted to kiss him. To hug him. But the cage around her head was bulky and prevented any intimate movements.

      "Do I look as pathetic as I feel?"

      "No." Julian studied her, looked away, and then looked at her again. "You look a little like a painting. Beautiful but devastating, like a..."

      He squeezed his eyes as if trying to erase the thought that just entered his mind.

      " a Fate?" Scarlett whispered.

       Julian nodded slowly.

      Scarlett heaved a sigh as a few more hot tears streamed down her face. "I can't run from it, can I?"

      Julian opened his mouth to respond, but movement from the other room silenced him.

       "You really need to leave, Julian," Scarlett pleaded. "I've missed you, and as much as I don't want you to go, you need to. I love you."

      Julian lifted her hand to his mouth, brushing her knuckles with his lips. The only way he could kiss her. "I hate seeing you like this. I love you too. Please, try and keep safe."

     Julian quickly hurried out of the Menagerie, though Scarlett knew it killed him. And she knew she would do whatever it took to keep the love of her life safe. She would not fail him. Julian said she didn't, but the ruby cage that blocked parts of her vision told her otherwise. 

     Scarlett Dragna would not fail.

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