Teenage Kisses

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Setting: AU
Disclaimer: ok so I told myself I would never do a modern day au for Caraval, that I would leave that to the popular fandoms, and this isn't really a modern day AU, more of Scarlett and Julian are actually the same age and go to the same school.

The cherry blossom tree blew shakily but steadily in the wind, a few petals fluttering down to the green earth. Scarlett could hear him before she saw him playing guitar underneath the tree, his lean body propped up against the trunk. Books under her arm, Scarlett trotted towards the tree, sitting herself down in front of him when she finally reached the source of the music.

Julian's fingers stopped strumming and his eyes peered at her through messy brown hair. "Took you long enough to show up."

Scarlett placed her History book down beside her pools of skirts. "I was preoccupied. But we'll talk about that later. How was your day?"

"Good until Mathematics."

"I can help you with it later, if you'd like?" Scarlett offered.

Julian looked at her intently before responding. "Well, if you're offering."

Scarlett smiled.

"How was your day?" Julian asked in turn.

"Oh, it was great. History class is getting more interesting by the day - and you'll never guess what happened!"

"You're forgetting how good I am at playing games." Julian smirked at her.

Scarlett rolled her eyes. "It was a rhetorical question. Nicolas asked me on a date tonight."

The smirk that played across his face fell, eyes narrowing, weariness replacing the teasing in his eyes. "He did?"

Scarlett nodded.

"And you said yes?"

Scarlett nodded again.

"I didn't think he was your type."

Scarlett gaped at him. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Julian shrugged, appearing to be totally detached from the subject. "I just didn't picture you going out with a bloke like d'Arcy."

"Then who did you picture me going out with?"

Julian's face fell blank as he ignored the question, his fingers positioning themselves on the strings of his guitar once more until Scarlett interrupted him.

"At least I actually pretend to like your girlfriend."

"Hey- Angelique is not my girlfriend, she's just a fling. And you don't like her?"

Scarlett let out a breath. "It's not that I don't like her it's just..." she paused, at a loss for words, "can we just do our usual thing? You play while I work?"


So Julian began to play a simple song, and Scarlett began to mull over her History book. Her thoughts continued to rotate over her date - and more or less her conversation with Julian.

"What if Nicolas kisses me tonight?"

Julian's fingers slipped up, a wrong chord floating around making the tune sound foul until he put down his guitar. "Then I suppose you'll kiss him back."

"But I've never kissed anyone before! What if I'm terrible?"

"Do you want to practice on me?"

Scarlett's cheeks blazed as her eyes widened, immediately looking anywhere but Julian. "I think I'm fine, thank you."

Julian smiled wryly but continued to stare at her as she played with her hair nervously. Scarlett couldn't deny a little bit of practice wouldn't hurt, and kissing Julian wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. In fact, she was rather tempted to give in.

"Can you just - I don't know - show me the basics? I know you're experienced." Scarlett let out a breath she had been holding after letting out the embarrassing question.

"That's what I'm here for, Crimson."

Scarlett nodded as her body went up in flames, suddenly becoming aware of every inch from head to toe. Julian patted his lap, making her heat up even further.

"That's extremely inappropriate!" Scarlett gasped.

"Do you want the full experience or not?"

Scarlett considered it, and decided she would rather be fully prepared. Besides, she felt safe with Julian. Her legs slightly parted as she straddled his lap, now becoming eye-level with him.

"Now, there's a few things you're going to want to know," Julian began. "First, avoid kissy eyes. Lock eyes with him until your lips are almost touching, then close your eyes."

"Got it. No kissy eyes."

"And don't keep your head still. Move with him, go with the flow."

"Extra flow-ey."

"And don't be afraid to use your hands to add to the heat of the moment."

Scarlett swallowed nervously. "There's a lot of don'ts."

Julian let out a quick laugh. "Don't worry, any man will be lucky to kiss you."

Scarlett locked eye contact with him. "Do you want to, um, try?"

Julian's hand reached out to cup her face, bringing her head to his. She followed his instructions, locking eyes with him until the last second. And when their lips met, Scarlett felt every nerve like a shock of electricity lighting her up.

His lips slowly worked with hers as they both easily found a rhythm to move to. Scarlett's hands rested flatly against Julian's chest, and when she felt braver, one hand slipped up his shirt and rested against his warm skin.

Julian gently bit her lip, and for a moment Scarlett feared she had done something wrong until one of his hands slid around her hip, gently squeezing before moving to her back.

"I think," Scarlett breathed when they broke apart for air, "I might have to call my date off."

Julian gently massaged the nape of her neck with his right hand as he spoke. "What a shame. I might just have to take you on a date instead."

"What about Angelique?"

Julian scoffed. "I was only ever with her to make you jealous."

Scarlett's blush never left her face. "It worked," she mumbled.

"You've always held my attention, Crimson. You've never let it go."

"Did I kiss good enough?"

Julian's head fell into her shoulder as he laughed into her skin.

Scarlett gnawed on her cheek. "That bad?"

Julian stopped laughing, his amber eyes coming back up to meet her hazel ones. "It was the best kiss I've ever shared."

Scarlett's face lifted in surprise. "That good?"

Julian leaned in, his lips centimetres from hers. "That good."

Their lips met again, erasing any previously made plans and replacing them with events of their own. In that moment they didn't care about anything else other than indulging in the other's teenage kisses.

Yes, I made this cliche.
No, I do not regret it.

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