jealous, darling?

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Setting: post finale, Pre Juliett wedding
Inspo: Request from Aloisiea for a jealous Scarlett

     Bitterness. Jade green bitterness filtered Scarlett's vision. She watched Julian, Angelique, and a few other performers from afar as she chatted with Tella. She would turn her head in their direction once in a while to make it not so obvious to her sister.

Legend had decided to have a Caraval reunion for the old performers who had quit, the new performers that joined, and the performers who still remained. Julian and Tella convinced Scarlett to tag along, but it was moments like this that she regretted giving in.

     The group started laughing, and for a brief moment Angelique batted Julian's arm, her whole body turned towards him. Scarlett seen flirtatious hints of cerise painted in Angelique's emotions, and the sight made Scarlett's stomach churn.

     "...isn't that right, Scarlett?" Tella looked up at Scarlett expectantly, but Scarlett had barely heard a word she had said.


     "I was just telling Jo and Aiko about how we used to take Mother's clothes and dress up as pirates and princesses when we were children."

     "That's so adorable!" Jovan cooed, and Aiko's face looked teasing.

     "Oh, yes, I remember. One time we fought over pearls," Scarlett replied distantly, her gaze drifting back over to where Julian and Angelique stood with their other friends.

     Angelique twirled a lock of brown hair around her finger as she bit down a smile at Julian. It made Scarlett want to gag.

     "You don't have to worry about her, Scarlett."

     Scarlett turned at the sound of Aiko's voice as her eyes crinkled.

     "It's clear he loves you, not her. Trust me, she's tried to make more advances when Julian came back from his trip, but he still shut her down. Even when you weren't part of the picture, her tongue was always down his throat."

     Scarlett let out a breath, wanting to say I know, but she did not know that Angelique had made a move on Julian when he was back from his four-week long trip.

      And then Angelique touched Julian's arm again, and something in Scarlett snapped.

      "If you'll excuse me," Scarlett huffed and started towards her fiancé, hearing the faint sound of Tella's chuckle as she walked away.

     Julian inched his arm away from Angelique, and a spark of satisfaction jolted through Scarlett. The group turned towards her as she neared, and when she was close enough, Scarlett took Julian's hand in hers.

      "Hello, Crimson," he murmured, his thumb rubbing small circles on the back of her palm.

      "Care to join me for refills of champagne, my love?" Scarlett asked, and in the corner of her eye she could see emerald envy radiating off of Angelique.

     "I'd like nothing more." Julian bid his goodbyes to his friends, and let Scarlett lead him over to the refreshment table. "Thank you for the save-"

     Scarlett took Julian's face in her hands and pressed a long kiss to his lips. He reacted immediately, one hand rubbing the back of her neck while the other gripped her hip.

     "I didn't know you were one for public affection," Julian murmured against her lips.

     "Hm, well, now everyone knows your mine." Scarlett finished with a final kiss, letting her teeth gently graze Julian's lip as she pulled away.

     "Jealous, darling?" Julian asked, keeping one arm around her waist as he poured them both more champagne.

     "I'm not jealous, I just don't like the way she kept touching and looking at you. Honestly, the whole empire knows we're engaged."

     "Angelique can be a bit much sometimes, and doesn't really have filter."

     "You don't say," Scarlett scoffed. She felt Angelique watching them from across the room, and another surge of triumph flowed through her.

      "Well then I'll show her-" Julian brought the champagne flute to her lips, "-open..."

     Scarlett parted her lips and Julian slowly poured champagne into her mouth.

      "...that I'm only interested and completely infatuated with you."

     Scarlett's eyes slightly widened as she swallowed, flickers of amber lust that matched Julian's eyes mixing in her emotions. Scarlett felt dizzy, and she doubted it had much to do with the alcohol.

     He pulled the glass from her lips before licking the rim of sugar on the flute, then proceeding to drink a mouthful as well. Scarlett briefly forgot they were in public.

     "Feel like taking this somewhere more private?" Julian asked, reading her mind.

     Scarlett's breaths came in rapidly, and she was only able to nod in response. The grin of a devil lit up Julian's face.

"Show me how I belong to you, Crimson."

He led her up into the private rooms in the mansion, and as soon as they stumbled in the door, Scarlett swept her tongue in his mouth. It was obvious Julian was very much liking how she was taking charge.

He pulled her waist against his, and as their mouths continued, Aiko's words rang through her ears. Even when you weren't part of the picture, her tongue was always down his throat.

Scarlett pulled back a little abruptly, feeling a little foolish at not registering Aiko's words early.

"What's the matter?" Julian looked into her eyes, breathless, emotions turning concerned stormy gray.

"Were you and Angelique... ever together?" Scarlett asked, heart pounding in her ears.

His mouth pinched down. "I don't want to talk about her."

She waited for him to answer the question. Scarlett watched his eyes, and she knew him too well not to know that he was conflicted whether or not to tell the truth.

"We were on and off for a month, maybe two. Many, many, years ago. There was a minuscule spark of attraction that dulled, and completely blew out when you walked into my life. It doesn't compare to the bright flame I burn for you, Crimson."

Julian's words were an emotional roller coaster for Scarlett, leaving her stomach in butterflies. Just the way he looked at her was enough to see the truth in his words.

"Julian..." Scarlett's fingers traced over his lips. "Thank you for telling me the truth. I love you."

His eyes fluttered shut, and she replaced her fingers with her lips. She felt wetness on her cheeks and couldn't exactly pinpoint why, but she was crying. Happy tears mixed in with unpleasant memories that were being hashed up from the end of her first Caraval, perhaps.

"I love you too. More than anything in this world. I won't let lies drive us apart again."

Envy, lies, secrets; Scarlett knew they all led to disaster, but she and Julian were the best disaster to ever wreak havoc yet.

I rewrote this twice and this is the piece I like the best so yay. love me some jealous Scarlett, thank u for the request and the great theory that Angelique and Julian had a fling in the past!

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