✯Twenty-Eight✯ - The Bet Contract

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

It's been a week since Alexa left with her sister to visit Texas and there is no day that passes by that Teresa doesn't miss her. Their apartment was too quiet for her liking, prompting the reason for her staying in Jacob's place.  Though that wasn't the only reason. She finds herself wanting to spend both intimate and emotional time with Jacob, she couldn't begin explaining why she felt those emotions, but maybe time will tell soon.

Teresa's spending her nights in Jacob's place will soon come to an end. She had just dropped out of a call from Alexa as she drove through the busy highway of New York. She informed Teresa of her return back from Texas tomorrow, and has a lot she wanted to tell Teresa.

There will be no hearing of enough words. Alexa definitely won't be keeping her mouth shut about her experiences in Texas. From how she had sounded on the phone, Teresa could tell Alexa loves the countryside.

She sighs, giving the car she drove a hard turn off from the highway. She passed through the familiar road leading to the skyscraper she found herself spending her nights in. 

Not less than a few minutes, she parked the car at the garage located at the basement of the building. Quickly she picked up her bag, phone and other items she found important, before stepping out of the car. She shut the door, then headed towards the glass door, greeting the security at the post, then took the personal elevator leading to Jacob's suite.

Her constant visit to his home made the sight of her something the guards around were accustomed to, that they offered her a quick greetings, even the security guard she had met the first time she stepped her feet into the building, has somehow become a friend.

The ding of the elevator as it slid open notifying she had gotten her destination, snapped her away from her deep thoughts. The stress of the day was beginning to get to her already. She clapped her hands at the dim suite, quickly the lights went on, reviewing entire surroundings.

Teresa was grateful today ends the week day, she wanted nothing more than to rest. But she knew spending the night with Jacob wouldn't guarantee any rest nor sleeping. Who was she to complain, she loved those sleepless nights when he was far too busy exploring her body.

She shudders at the memories of the past nights and early morning quickie. 

Teresa sluggishly walked to the door of Jacob's bedroom. "Lights on Stella." She spoke to nobody in the room, but the light of Jacob's bedroom immediately went on. 

She was in for a shock the night after having exhaust herself from the marathon sex she had with Jacob the first night. Through her tired haze, she heard him call the name Stella, snapping her from her motionless body.

Teresa was one step away from lashing out at him for saying another woman's name from his lips after just having the best sex of her life. But she was quick in swallowing back her word when the light went on.

Stella apparently was an AI program specially programmed for this particular suite. 

Jacob really should be thanking his creator she hadn't given him a huge smack on the head for giving her the wrong idea.

Teresa chuckled at the memory of that night. Dropping her items on the bed, she quickly undresses tiredly for a bath. There was nothing she wanted more than to wash away the stress of the day away from her.

Once she was done having her bath, she moved around the large master bedroom then walked towards the walking closet. 

The amazing sight of it still manages to catch her breath away each time her eyes settle at the intimidating sight. 

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