✯Twenty-Four✯ - Peppermint

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Chapter Twenty-four

After a very long and tense drive, Jacob finally pulled over. Teresa's eyes went out the window to take in the area they were in. Her eyes only seem to settle on one particular building.

A flower shop.

Jacob pulled open the car door by her side helping her out from the car. By this time the rain had begun to reduce, the need for an umbrella completely unnecessary.

"What're we doing here?" She asked in confusion. Her eyes were still skimming around the small shop. Arabella was written in a huge calligraphy font at the top of the shop.

"For our date." Jacob only replied. He took her hands in his, pulling her to follow his movement. A flower shop was the last place Teresa expected Jacob to take her to. He seemed more like the expensive restaurant kind of guy. The more time she gets to spend with him, the more she thinks maybe she didn't know Jacob as well as she had thought.

Jacob pushed the door open, while his hands were still entwined with her. A different flowery scent knocked Teresa right straight through her nose. The smell of nature, and beautiful enticing fragrance filled her nose.

Her eyes paid attention to the different shapes and colors of flowers resting around the counters on each side of everywhere. While they were outside she could already sight the beauty of the shop, but being inside was another different story to tell.

It felt like heaven.

Teresa's eyes went down to the bouquet of flowers in her hand. She wondered why he had brought the flowers all the way to her, when he planned to bring her here in the first place.

"Isabella." Jacob greeted a young lady who had just walked out of the counter then over to where they stood. Teresa couldn't help herself but to take notice of everything about the young lady.

For starters, Isabella had a huge grin on her face that would make any man melt on their knees on surrender. Such a beautiful look on her face made Teresa's hand on Jacob tightened, in what Teresa could understand as protectiveness. An action and feelings that took her by complete surprise.

But she couldn't blame herself. The sight of Isabella would make any woman around her feel self conscious. A feeling Teresa doesn't like one bit. Her eyes frowned down on the other lady, almost ready to devour her within a snap of a finger.

Teresa quickly shook her head at the barbarian thought that had just filled her head.

What the hell was she thinking?

Thankfully Jacob was oblivious to her rigid posture. But she was quick to hate his lack of attention when she noticed him giving Isabella the same smile in return. Teresa's uncontrollable eyes began shooting laser glare at Jacob.

Did he come here to see another woman? Or here for a date?

She could never understand men.

Her brown eyes divert back to the other lady. Isabella had on simple black leggings and a huge white shirt with a customized 'Hey!' written boldly on it. On her waist was an apron, tightened up to show the undeniably figure the lady possessed. She had an hourglass shape, a figure a lot of women would kill for. Her hair raven black at the top, and tinted blue at the tip, almost in a rebellious way.

Isabella felt like the type of lady who would care less about one's approval. She seems bold, something Teresa wasn't. She certainly had the quality Teresa didn't possess, a quality a lot of men love.

"Hi. You must be Teresa." Isabella said, surprisingly in a respectful and tender voice. Teresa blinked for a while at the hand Isabella offered her, before hesitatingly taking it for a shake. "Jacob here couldn't stop talking about you for hours since he came here a while ago." She said, throwing Jacob a wink with a smirk as she spoke.

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