✯Twelve✯ - Bingo And A Lie

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Chapter Twelve

"B10!" A man called out from the wooden platform he stood on, in his hand was a small white ball the size of an eyeball, it had a number written on it he called out.

Immediately everyone in the room began checking their scorecard to see if they succeeded in getting any pattern. Including Teresa who sat on a round table filled with elderly men and women in their late 70s. 

Teresa placed her chip on the scorecard, she found herself still participating even though there wasn't hope for her anymore. The chips on her card are completely in disarray.

She scans the elderly male and female people in the room, who are busy checking their cards for any wins. Some who were probably close to winning had a huge smile on their faces, while some had the same expression as hers. Disappointment.

The last thing Teresa would ever expect when following Grandpa Daniel to the town was sitting in a room with his friends while playing bingo.

She saw Rachel opposite her smiling at whatever Grandpa Daniel said, on her table was a scorecard completely like Teresa's failing ones. But from what Teresa could notice about Rachel she seems not to care about winning or not, she was just going with the fun of it.

Teresa couldn't remember when last she'd laughed so hard and long. The moment she, Grandpa Dan, Jacob, Gideon and Rachel had left the cabin to meet Daniel's friends and former colleague, they were all too welcoming and funny.

She wasn't aware how they'd gone from having warm tea in a tearoom to playing the game of bingo at the upper floor of the building. 

Though Teresa was loving every part of it, she couldn't deny her thoughts were slipping elsewhere from time to time since she woke up in bed this morning with the absence of Jacob's presence.

His words last night left her in a total mess. The thought of him having feelings for her made Teresa try to rethink changing whatever grudge she had against him. She remembered the vulnerability in his voice, like the thought of losing her scares him to death. His confession changes a lot of things. 

She jumps at the sight of him, with her heart almost racing out from her chest. She hid from him since coming out from their bedroom, making him suspicious of her reaction. She recollected seeing him in the backyard sitting on the sofa in the porch. The instant their eyes slammed together she sprinted in action to put in a demarcation between both of them. If he wasn't suspicious before he was now with the way she was acting extra jumpy and baffled.

Teresa was thankful he had driven the SUV, while she was in the backseat. The last thing she'd want is to be in an open place with him. Though it saddens her Grandpa Dan's truck was still in the mechanic workshop. What she'd not trade to be away from Jacob's presence throughout the whole entire day.

She needed more time to think. More time to digest his words, even if she finds herself hardly believing what he said.

"Bingo!" The elderly woman next to her shouted, making Teresa jump in her seat in surprise. The woman's name she'd learned to be Monica Paige. She was a very humorous woman, Every single word coming from her mouth brought laughter.

Monica Paige is a wife to one of Daniel's former colleagues and close friend, Jonathan Paige. Monica is someone Teresa calls old beauty. The grayness of her hair stood out sparkling in silver treasure, matching her gray eyes. The old wrinkles on her chin didn't hide her beauty, instead it gave her a signature face. She must have been a heartbreaker in her younger days.

Teresa smiled as a huge grin took hold of Monica's face after winning the game. Teresa saw her husband Jonathan grumble with a frown on his face at his wife's win. She could hear him mumble the word '—no peace today.' making Teresa chuckle a little, even if he had that grumpy face, his eyes were smiling. A sign of how much he loves her.

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