✯Nine✯ - Cold

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Chapter Nine

The coldness of the water chilled Teresa's whole body. The total silence of being in the deepness of the water, as she struggles to reach up the surface. From her almost closed shut eyes, she caught sight of Jacob swimming to her direction, but ignored him as she flapped her legs and hands to raise herself up.

She let out a gasp the moment her head popped up on the surface of the lake. Her breath was deep and heavy, her hands wiped off the water from her face. From her right side, she heard the water splash as Jacob reached the surface.

Teresa ignored him only for a while, the coldness of the water was beginning to get to her. Her teeth clatter, she could feel her lips trembling. She cursed at Jacob turning to face him, "w-what is the meaning of that?" She asks in a shaky voice, her spine straightened to suppress the cold from getting to her.

Jacob gave her a smile in return to her question, he swam closer to her, closing the distance between them. She felt his arms wrap her underneath her butt, pulling her above him. Her hands immediately held his shoulders to steady herself.

She shot a hellish glare at him. "What's the meaning of this?" She yelled this time around as the cold atmosphere long forgotten with the closeness of both their bodies joined together.

He stared at her hard, his eyes roaming around her face as if to read her. "Don't you know?"

Teresa's teeth grit together in annoyance, her hands on his shoulders tightened. "Don't answer my question with a question?"

His face became serious, as he kept his eyes on her. The intensity of his gaze felt like she was seeing her soul and mind, it made Teresa fidget on his arms.

The look he was giving her right now was a very familiar one. A look he gives her when he thought she wasn't looking only to catch him staring at her during their early years. It was a look she found difficult to understand, a look she found hard to read.

Teresa wasn't going to deny the fact that deep down inside her, she liked the way he stared at her just like now. It made her stomach flutter, her cheeks red and flush. She hates the fact that he makes her feel this way, he makes her want to think otherwise, which she detest with great passion.

Teresa wants to hate him, she really does want to hate him. Her only silent prayers remained like that. The other side of emotion towards Jacob was going to be hurtful. Jacob wasn't someone to keep that close to the heart.

"Come let's get out of here." He releases her, as he swims to the wooden bridge, skillfully letting himself up, like he'd done that a lot of times. He whirl his head around towards the direction she hadn't moved since he let her go.

Her body became cold the moment he released her, making the trembling return in full force. Not wasting any more seconds she swam towards the bridge, accepting the hand he offered to her as he pulled her up like she weighed nothing.

Her drenched tee shirt clung to her skin, visible for anyone's eyes. Teresa was thankful she'd worn a tank top inside the large shirt she wore last night, in addition to the jeans she wore, leaving little for Jacob's eyes.

Her wet arms wrapped around herself to shield the cold air crawling into her skin. "I guess you forgot to bring a towel along while planning this whole thing." She said accusingly, turning her face away from him not wanting to notice him standing wearing only a brief pant.

Teresa felt his large hand in one of her shoulders forcing her to face his direction. Immediately her eyes caught the clear anger on his face, his green eyes glaring at her, his jaw clench tight in annoyance. "Plan? " He bit out, almost growling the word out. "None of this was a plan. But do you know what the plan was?" He snapped as if the last thread of whatever sanity he held tight had been cut off. "You going to run your mouth to Daniel." He said angrily bending over picking his clothes laying at the corner of the wooden bridge to put on.

Teresa brows raise at the accusing time of his and his sudden outburst. "Oh! Is that why you brought me here? To threaten me?" She yelled, the cold and the wetness of clothes and body once again forgotten. She matches towards him pointing her finger to his hard body. "You don't have the right to get angry. If anyone should be, it should be me. You and Gideon conned me into whatever sick game you're playing!"

"No one put a gun to your head and forced you to pretend. You came willingly, and now we are here, you want to do what? Kill Daniel?"

His words made Teresa blind in anger, her blood boiling in hatred. "Don't you dare try to guilt trap me. You Snows are to be ashamed of yourselves. Trust me Jacob, if I'd known it was your plan to pretend to be your fiancée, I'd have thrown the offer on both your faces."

Her comment must have added a burning flame to Jacob, his eyes became dark and scary. Unexpectedly grabbing a tight hold of Teresa's shoulders, though not enough to hurt her. "Why do the thought me irk you so much?" His voice low as if it took a great energy out from him to calm himself down.

Teresa shoves his hands off her shoulders, almost making him trip. She put a space between them, her eyes squirting in pure anger. "Do you really have to ask that? Lie you don't know what you did? Jacob! You made my whole sixteen years of life a complete mess. I never had the normal thing any girl would wish for. My childhood memories are all filled with your torments. My teenage years? It was a total failure, all because of you my life wasn't normal.", She yelled out, almost overwhelmed with the thought of pulling her hair out from her scalp. "I hate you." She grunt out from the depth of her heart.

Jacob staggered as if she had just slapped him on the face. His face was blank, but filled with just one expression. An expression she couldn't read. But he looked like she'd just snapped some part of him he held dear. His shoulders raising up and down, dropping his gaze to the ground.

Teresa refused to show him any pity, even though she wanted nothing more than to take back her words. But there were all she'd bottled up for years. There were her true feelings, she felt relaxed for putting it all out in the open. The last thing she'd want to feel is guilt.

She walked past him heading towards the direction of the cabin even if she'd no idea of where it could be. But immediately came to a halt when Jacob spoke. "you don't know why, do you?" When she didn't respond he spoke. "I'll lead the way." He finally said, walking ahead of her, as water dropped off her body.

Know what?

Teresa wondered what he meant by that, but still followed his hasty steps, while plundering on what his last comment meant.

Could there be a reason Jacob keeps antagonizing her throughout her whole life? Teresa's mind wondered what he really meant. But the answer still remained the same, there was nothing to defend whatever could be the reason for his behavior.

He was terrible. And that was final.

Teresa caught sight of the cabin, and the undeniable figure of Gideon who stood on the platinum of the porch, with a worried look on his face, with the way his fingers fumbled with his hair. His way of showing his frustration. The moment he caught sight of them both he visibly relaxed, but frowned the moment he saw the look on Jacob's face and her drenched clothes.

Jacob mutters out the word. "Get her dry." While pulling off his sea blue shirt off, flinging it to the side, dashing towards where the axe of earlier lay, then walk towards the unfinished branch immediately smashing the wood in a hard look on his face, as if pouring his frustration on the branch.

Not caring a bit about his behavior, Teresa moves to head inside, she shun Gideon's arms away from her wanting space for her to gather herself. As she walked to the stairs was thankful Grandpa Daniel wasn't anywhere around, the last thing she'd want was cause a scene.

She'd have enough of a particular Snow family for the day.

All she wants to do is think. Think of how she'd cope during her one week here.


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