Chapter 2: Catching up with the Yeagers

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We then cut to the Yeager family farmhouse in rural Texas where we see Cade working on Bumblebee's engine while Hunter O'Nion is busy working on his laptop, of which is covered with various alien and UFO stickers, Hunter saying "Y'know Mr. Yeager, Never in a million years would I think that I'd get the chance to meet a real-life Transformer. thank you for giving me that opportunity" followed by Cade going into overprotective dad mode and slamming Bumblebee's hood before turning over to Hunter telling him "The only reason you even have that opportunity is because you're dating my daughter mister onion" followed by Hunter saying "It's pronounced OH-NY-HON, Mr. Yeager" followed by Tessa entering the room to ask Hunter what he's doing. Hunter explains to her that he's writing a new article for his blog about the recent Decepticon attack on Autobot City, Cade overhearing the conversation asks "Autobot city?" and Hunter explains to him that Autobot City the new government-sanctioned metropolis built in the Pacific Northwest by S.T.A.R.S. for Cybertronian refugees to live in peace with minimal human interference, turning his laptop to show Cade the photos of Autobot city, Cade saying "woah, that's where the Autobots live now? I remember when it was still being built" with Tessa correcting her father saying "It's been two years, dad. same amount of time that me and Hunter have been dating" followed by Hunter telling Cade "well there might not be much of it left, the wall protecting the city was destroyed by a giant Decepticon just a few hours ago causing an untold amount of carnage" as he shows Cade live footage of Bruticus breaching the wall and wrecking the city on his laptop followed by Bumblebee transforming into his robot mode, Bumblebee exclaiming "those Decepticons will pay for this! I already lost Arcee, I can't afford to lose any more friends" Cade tells his Autobot friend "I understand how you feel 'Bee, but you gotta move on. you still have us, think about what you have not what you lost" followed by Bumblebee saying "You're right Cade, I have to let go. but I can't stay behind when our new home is in danger" Bumblebee transforming back into his Camaro mod Tessa and Hunter both watching Bumblebee drive out of the barn, the dust kicked up from his wheels causing Hunter to step back nearly dropping his laptop only for him to catch it in time with Cade telling Tessa and Hunter "you two kids behave while I'm gone, okay? I'll be visiting some old friends" before packing up his things and hopping inside his pickup truck to drive off followed by Hunter asking Tessa "Your dad usually this overprotective, Tess?" Tessa crosses her arms telling Hunter "He doesn't sit well with boys, as most dads do. not sure why he'd be concerned for me when I'm dating a nerd like you" Hunter clutches his laptop close to his chest, saying "who you calling a nerd!" with Tessa saying "says the one who sits in front of a screen all day watching YouTube conspiracy videos all day" before walking outside the barn while Hunter follows, Hunter saying "First of all those conspiracies are really true, Sector 7, the Decepticon invasion of Mission City, Cemetery Wind, Our planet nearly colliding with Cybertron from last year, it's all connected and the IRC is clearly hiding something from us" with Tessa telling him "Exactly, nerd crap" all the while a mysterious woman clad in leather riding on a black Harley-Davidson motorcycle with flames watches the two twenty-somethings argue from the dirt road by the Yeager farmhouse, the woman drives up to Tessa and Hunter and tells them "HEY! you two! have you seen a yellow Camaro drive by here?" with Tessa saying "Yeah, He's an Autobot who's also friends with my dad" the woman responds by saying "Thank you, that's all I needed to know" before turning her motorcycle around and driving off down the dirt road followed by Hunter tugging on Tessa's shirt saying "Uh Tess I don't think you should have shared that bit of information with her" before pointing at the Decepticon insignia engraved on the side of the woman's motorcycle, Tessa saying "oh shit" as she notices the rider start to flicker revealing it as a hologram prompting Tessa to pull out her phone and try to reach her father. after that, we cut to Cade in his pickup truck getting a call from Tessa who warns her father that there's a Decepticon who's after Bumblebee and they've got to warn him. Cade says Bumblebee is too far out of his reach but he knows just the person who can talk some sense into that 'bot before hanging up. Cade then drives his pickup truck over the Witwicky household where he is Greeted by Carly Spencer-Witwicky holding baby Daniel, Carly asking who he is. Cade introduces himself, telling her that he's here to talk to Spike Witwicky, saying it's urgent Transformer-related business. Spike shows up asking Carly what's going on, and Carly explains to Spike that this strange man is here to see him. Spike recognizes Cade remembering him from the time they met at Kicker's grave, and Cade sits on the table next to spike Cade telling Spike that he came to ask for help explaining that Bumblebee is on his way to Autobot City and he's being followed by a Decepticon that's gunning for his head meaning he'll be running head-first into danger, Carly saying "that sounds like our Bumblebee alright" followed by Cade explaining to Spike that he needs Spike to talk some sense into Bumblebee since he's the one that's had the most history with the yellow Autobot. Spike hesitates as he looks at his wife and child, saying that for the past decade he's spent a quiet, peaceful life with a loving family and that he'd hate to be dragged back into an intergalactic war. Cade begs Spike to help, for Bumblebee's sake. Spike sighs, saying "well he was my first car" before shaking hands with Cade and agreeing to help with the two hopping in the back of Cade's pickup before driving off with Carly watching on longingly as she cradles her infant son. we then cut to Bumblebee driving through the desert only for Flamewar's motorcycle form to catch up to Bumblebee ramming into the side of his vehicle mode. Bumblebee notices the Decepticon insignia engraved into the Harley-Davidson motorcycle and says "Not so fast, Decepticon!" and transforms into his robot mode to grab Flamewar and tossing her into the air prompting her to transform into robot mode mid-air and land in front of Bumblebee the yellow Autobot aghast like he'd just seen a ghost. Bumblebee's optics widen exclaiming "Arcee? how? I thought you died two years ago!" Flamewar turns her back on 'Bee and tells him "Megatron found me and dug me out of the rubble, rebuilt me with a new, stronger body. even gave me a spot on the Decepticons. and it's Flamewar now" before pulling out her crossbow and turning around to fire it at Bumblebee who dodges the blast by ducking behind a rock formation. Bumblebee tells Flamewar "It doesn't have to be this way Arcee, you are not my enemy! Megatron's using you as a pawn!" Flamewar searches the desert landscape readying her crossbow as she calls out to Bumblebee, exclaiming "I told you it's Flamewar now! Arcee died when you abandoned me, And I could care less about what buckethead wants. all I care about is getting my revenge on the bot who left me for dead" only for Bumblebee to sneak behind Flamewar and disarm her before putting her in a headlock, Flamewar screaming "Let me go!" only for Bumblebee to tell her "not until I can get you to come to your senses. you're not a Decepticon, you're an Arcee, my conjunx endura! think of everything we've been through, all those times we've fought together, nearly died for each other!" a blade then pops out of Flamewar's wrist stabbing Bumblebee in the side causing him to fall to the ground bleeding Energon. Flamewar picks up her crossbow and points it at Bumblebee's head, telling him "If you really think you were gonna get through to me with that terrible speech, you were more foolish than I thought. whatever happened between us in the past is just that, in the past. and soon you'll be too" only for Cade's pickup truck to arrive on the scene with Cade and Spike hopping out, the two humans shocked to see Bumblebee at the mercy of Flamewar. Bumblebee is just as shocked to see Spike again, Bumblebee asking "Spike is that you?" only for Flamewar to turn around Spike exclaiming "Is that Arcee?" the downed Bumblebee tells Spike "She's not the Arcee you used to know. she's with the Decepticons now, run!" as Flamewar fires at the two humans forcing them to run away as Cade's pickup truck is caught in the explosion only for Bumblebee to get back up covering his wound with his hand to stop the energon from bleeding and right on cue, S.T.A.R.S. vehicles arrive through the groundbridge alongside soldiers in mech-suits with Flamewar realizing that she's outnumbered transforming back into her vehicle mode and retreating. Lennox shows up and says "Spike, Yeager, long time no see".

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