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We open up with a shot of deep space, with Optimus Prime saying "Long ago at the beginning of time, there were two brothers: Primus the creator, and Unicron the destroyer" followed by a shot of Primus and Unicron fighting each other, their swords clashing resulting in an explosion forming clusters of nebulas and galaxies. "Primus and Unicron were locked in an eternal struggle for the fate of the universe, their battle that for eons. but little did Unicron know that his brother had a plan to defeat his brother" followed by Primus emitting a blinding blue light from his spark chamber that blinds Unicron, followed by a shot of the original 13 primes standing in front of Primus. "Primus created the first transformers, who would one day come to be known as the 13 primes, who sealed Unicron away once and for all" followed by the 13 Primes combining their powers to seal Unicron inside a rocky, spherical prison. Optimus's narration ends with him saying "once Primus used up all the energy he had to give birth to our race, he fell into a deep sleep and became the core of Cybertron, our home planet, the hilt of his sword became the matrix of leadership, and his disembodied spark became the Allspark" accompanied by a shot of Primus curling up into a ball and transforming into Cybertron followed by Primus's cube-shaped spark chamber being jettisoned from his body which lands in the hand of Alpha Trion who tells his brothers they must keep the Allspark safe from falling into the wrong hands. the nameless 13th Prime volunteers to safeguard it followed by Alpha Trion giving the Allspark to the 13th Prime. roll title card. We then cut to Present Day where we see Simmons in his penthouse in Cuba sitting on his couch flipping through the channels on his TV, only for him to come across a news report covering the discovery of a giant metal spire that has suddenly appeared in the Atlantic Ocean. and not only that, but similar structures have been appearing all over the world. we then get a shot of the News helicopter flying past the skyscraper-sized structure sticking out of the Atlantic, which resembles a giant horn. we then zoom into the Earth's core where we see a sleeping giant demonic-looking robot inside the core wake up, his eyes glowing a bright purple. he then says "I have returned". after that, we cut to Optimus Prime inside the Knightship inserting the Star Saber into the console to communicate with the ghost of the 13th Prime who tells Optimus "The rise of Unicron is upon us, you and your knights must prepare yourselves for the coming battle, with Cybertron gone the fate of the universe now rests on your shoulders Optimus, last knight of Cybertron and the last prime". Optimus tells the 13th prime "Understood" and removes his sword from the console ending his conversation with the 13th prime's ghost.

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