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 PICTURE OF JERRY --------------------------------------------->>>>>


To: Deana  Carter <d.carter@darrenbarnesandco.com>

From: Gabrielle Carter <gabbiecarter@freemail.com>

April 6th, 2011 16:23



Something’s come up.

We’re going to have to make that lunch a dinner now.

Still at Opal. Still tomorrow. Say. . . 7:30?

See you!

Ta, for now!



Just great. What if I’d had other plans? Not that I did, but still.

To: Sheila McMurray <sheilamcmurray@santabarbaracooperative.com>

From: Deana  Carter <d.carter@darrenbarnesandco.com>

April 6th, 2011 16:27


Hey Sheila.

You free right now?

Just heading over to Five Points.

In need of SERIOUS retail therapy.

You in?




I grabbed my keys and bag and headed out. I was heading off to the elevators when I ran into Brad.

“You’re back?” I said, excited.

He’d gone to Vegas for a bachelor party at the weekend with Greg and Jeremy. They were supposed to have been back on Sunday, but I guess they’d been having too much fun, they’d stayed till Wednesday – since the wedding was in Nevada anyway.

He grinned. “That was one hell of a weekend!”

I raised my brows. “More like week. Where are um . . . Greg and Jeremy?” I asked, trying not to seem too interested.

He chuckled. “They stayed. Weren’t quite ready to get back to reality.”

I opened my mouth in shock. “You came back first?”

He frowned. “It was between me and Jeremy, you know, because of this huge deal. So, we decided to go Rock-Paper-Scissors. I went with stupid paper!”

“Aw! You’re not going to cry are you?” I asked, jokingly.

“Oh, I already did. Into my fluffy pink pillow last night”, he said, sarcastically.

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