Dumped (11)

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(PICTURE OF SHEILA --------------------------------------------------->>>>>)


I climbed out of bed groggily the next morning. Rosie hadn’t been at the apartment when I’d gotten home, which had been such a relief – I really don’t know how I’d have dealt with the whole situation. I’d just slumped into bed, fully clothed.

I felt slightly sick. Too much chocolate, probably. I’d definitely need to find a new remedy to my future birthday disasters. Jeremy and I hadn’t even finished up to a quarter of the cake, and still, I felt slightly funny inside. I flashed back on the events of last night. Talking to Jeremy had almost made me forget all of my troubles. I was in for a whole load of emails from my mother. She was probably furious at me. I felt a little bit guilty – I mean, after all the effort she’d made.

I got dressed and went into the kitchen to put out a bowl of Pedigree chum for Shannon and poured myself some coffee. The best part about Rosie moving in was the fact that she fed and walked Shannon. 

I heard the front door click open, and Rosie walked in, still in her dinner outfit from last night.

“Hey Dee”, she said, quietly.

I really didn’t know what to say to her. If I ignored her, that’d just be immature; and if I answered her, she wouldn’t know how disgusted I was by what she did.

“I just have one question for you”, I said.

She looked scared. “Yeah?”, she replied.

“What were you thinking? I mean, did I even pop into your head? Were you thinking about how great it was? Were you thinking about him? I’m just curious”, I said.

“Um . . . I wasn’t really thinking. It was so stupid. I was going to tell you, but I was scared you’d kick me out”, she said, her eyes welling up.

I didn’t even feel an ounce of remorse. “Well, I’m glad you didn’t tell me – I don’t know how I’d have taken it, –  but I’m still kicking you out. I  just can’t live with you. And it’s not just cause you slept with Matt. You’re a mess, Rosie; you really need to pull yourself together.”

She gasped. “But I have nowhere to go. You’re my sister!”

I snorted. “Now you remember?” I said, sarcastically.

“I’m really sorry, Dee. Please just let me stay a few more weeks. I promise I’ll get a job”, she said, pleadingly.

Why wasn’t I feeling remorse? I didn’t feel a thing. Maybe it was all the chocolate that hadn’t passed out of my system yet. I just felt irritated.

“Rosie, what’s wrong with Scottie’s house? I bet he’d let you stay with him”, I asked, pulling on my coat. Now she was going to make me late.

“Deana, you don’t even like Matt anymore. What does it matter that I slept with him?”, she said.

I shook my head. “You know what? I have an obligation to love you. Just cause you’re my sister. But, to be honest, I don’t like you as a person. You just make everything so much harder. I really can’t deal with your stress right now. Please don’t make this hard. Just get your stuff and go to mom and dad’s”, I said calmly, and picked up my bag, heading out the front door.

Well, that wasn’t as bad as I’d anticipated.

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