Dumped (3)

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PICTURE OF STACEY ------------------------------------------------->>>>


“Mom. Dad. What are you doing here?” I asked with a forced smile

“Well, You didn’t return my call so, we decided to surprise you”, my mum replied giving me air kisses on my cheeks.

“You really shouldn’t have come all this way”, I said giving my dad a hug.

I was so not ready to deal with my parents. The break up was still fresh and I knew my mother would have a whole lot to say on the matter.

My mom turned to Stacey and said, “Hold all Deana’s calls. She coming out to lunch with her father and I.”

“Oh no, mom! Really, you don’t have to do that. I have a whole lot to do anyway.”

“I insist. Now, come on. We  haven’t got all day”, she replied walking towards the elevators. My dad gave me an apologetic look and followed. I sighed and shook my head.

“I’m sorry, Dee. I told them you were out. They said they’d wait”, Stacy said.

“That’s okay. It was gonna happen eventually. Might as well be now.” I turned and headed off to the elevators.

My mother was holding the doors open for me. I stepped in and we went down. I couldn’t help hoping that Mr. Darren or Barnes would see me and tell me they needed me to do something. I hoped and prayed as we walked towards the double doors leading out. No such luck.

“So, we’re going to The Palace Grill on East Cota Street. Your mother’s friend from the country club recommended it”, my dad said, trying to make conversation, as the driver pulled up.

I gave him a small smile and hopped in the back, ending up right in between them. I pulled out my blackberry – which had been brought back to me, thank goodness – and began to type out a draft email about the merger.

“Deana, don’t be rude. Put that away”, my mother said, referring to my phone.

I groaned inwardly and obeyed. I wasn’t ready to start an argument with my mother. We arrived at The Palace Grill and got out, while the driver parked. I had no idea why my parents insisted on being driven around. Although, I had a feeling that must have been a one-sided decision. We had reservations, so we were led straight to a table. The waiter handed us menus and then left.

“I think I’ll have the Gumbo Ya Ya to start”, my dad said with a small smile at me.

“Oh no, Howard. You’ve gotta watch your cholesterol. Have the Caesar salad, instead. Deana, what will you have?”

My dad sighed and leaned back in his seat. How he’d put up with my mom for thirty-five years, I had no idea.

“Um . . . I’ll try the Seafood Gumbo”, I replied closing up my menu.

“Are you sure, Deana? Have something light. Remember, there’s still the main course.”

Ugh! Don’t remind me, mother! I watched her look for something more appropriate. She finally ordered three Caesar salads. I rolled my eyes and counted the seconds.

“So, Deana, how’re you doing with since Matthew?” my dad asked patting my hand sympathetically. I pulled it from under his and clasped them in my lap. I couldn’t take the sympathy. It was still very fresh and embarrassing.

“Howard!” my mum snapped, shooting him a glare.

“It was going to come up at some point”, he replied with a shrug.

“Well, I’m fine. I’m just gonna focus on my work”, I replied as the waiter came back with our starters and drinks. I was having a hurricane margarita, my mum was having a lemon drop martini and she ordered a glass of warm water for my dad.

“Don’t be silly, dear. You’re not fine”, my mom said, digging into her salad.

“Yes I am”, I protested with a frown.

“Don’t argue with me, Deana. I’m your mother. Don’t you think I’d know when you’re not fine?” I glared hard at her and stabbed my fork into my salad.

My dad cleared his throat and sipped his water. We ate for a while in silence until we were ready for the main course. My mom ordered for us once again and all we could do was sit. There was no point arguing with her. She’d always win, anyway.

I pushed my blackened filet mignon around my plate. It tasted awful.

“Deana, you’re not a child. Don’t play with your food”, she snapped.

“Then quit treating me like one!” I retorted, my voice raised.

My mother gave me a pitying smile and said, “Let it out, dear.”

“Let what out? The fact that you’re annoying? The fact that ordering for me and dad entirely pisses me off? You act like you’re the boss of everyone. Well, get this in, mother! I’m not a child anymore! I’m twenty-nine years old!” I was full on screaming now. I could see people from other tables glaring at me.

My mom nodded and said, “Just let it out, dear.  You’re doing great.”

I stared at her in disbelief! “I am NOT one of your patients, mom! You can’t shrink me!” I stood up, pushing back my chair, and walked out of the restaurant, with all the pride I could muster. Before I left, I heard my mom say to my dad, “Does that look like a child that’s fine?”

I got out and realized I had no way to leave. I pulled out my phone and called a cab, heading off to the office when he arrived.

There was a limousine parked outside when I arrived. I paid the cab driver and walked up the steps into the office.

“We got company?” I asked Tyler, the guard at the front desk.

“Mr Harrington’s arrived. He’s up with Barnes right now.”

My eyes widened. “Really? Already?” I hurried up to my office. I had to look busy, in case he decided he wanted to look around.

Stacy looked very serious when I got to my office. She’d stashed her magazines under the table and was actually answering the phones, for a change.

“Darren, Barnes & Co., Deana Carter’s office. How may I help”, she said into the phone, in a shrill girly voice. I frowned at her and went into my office. I hard hardly settled down yet when my desk phone rang. I pressed the talk button.

“Stacey?” I said.

“Yes, Miss Carter. Mr Harrington is on his way in now. I nearly jumped out of my skin as the door swung open. I hung up and looked up.

 Now, I’d heard a lot about Jeremy Harrington and Bradley Cole. They were in every publication of GQ, they had a new girl on their arms at every published event, they came in first and second place for ‘2010’s hottest businessmen’. They were generally referred to as arm candy, every guy wanted to be them – rich and handsome – and every girl wanted to be with them. So, I knew they were good-looking. I knew what to expect.

 But, nothing could have prepared me for the piercing blue eyes looking down at me. They were mesmerizing. I knew I was staring but I couldn’t tear my eyes away. Maybe it was the fact that I’d been dumped about twenty-four hours ago, but I literally couldn’t look away.

“Miss Carter. I’m Jeremy, your new boss”, he said sticking out his hand.

I came out of my reverie and shook it. “Um . . . you can call me Deana.”

He looked at me for a few seconds and then with a small smile, he walked out of my office. I let out a sigh. I didn’t even realize I’d been holding my breath.

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