Dumped (9)

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(PHOTO OF SCOTTIE -------------------------------------------->>>>>>)


I pulled out all my best looking dresses and spread them out on my bed. It shouldn’t be difficult to decide what to wear to my own party.

Where was Rosie when you actually needed her?

It was about 6:30p.m. and the whole thing was supposed to start up at about 7. My mom had been calling me frantic, for the past six hours. She wanted to make sure she hadn’t left out any significant requirements. For a minute, I forgot whose birthday it was exactly. I was almost beginning to dread letting her plan it.

I closed my eyes and grabbed the first dress I touched. It was a purple strapless ruche mini dress. I pulled it on and did up the side zipper. I’d already done my make up, so all that was left was jewellery and hair. I’d taken my time with my face – trying to stall -  but, I was already running a bit late.

My mom had said I could arrive at 7:30, since I was the celebrant, – apparently, the celebrant wasn’t meant to be one of the first to arrive – but their house is about a half hour away, so I really needed to speed things up.

I did my hair up into a high hump, wore a thick choker with my new emerald earrings, pulled on my black lace platform shoes and hurried out, trying not to break my ankles on the way down.

I threw open the giant front door of my parent’s mcmansion and stepped inside.

“Surprise!” everyone screamed.

Yeah right! I feigned surprise and pasted a huge smile on my face as I  went round hugging everyone. My cousins, aunts, uncles, friends – nearly everyone I knew was spread around the house. Small get-together indeed.

My mom beamed at me as she set a plate of asparagus tart down onto the table.

“So, what do you think?” she asked, turning to me.

“It’s great, mom. Thanks”, I replied, giving her a hug. I really did mean it too. I mean, she had gone way overboard, but I could see all  the effort she’d put into it.

“Alright. Well, go have a good time, then”, she said, letting go and heading back into the kitchen.

I walked out onto the patio, where Fran, Dave, Jerry, Sheila and Stacey were sitting.

“Hey guys”, I said, plopping into a seat, next to Fran.

“Dee, you look awesome”, Stacey said grinning.

I smiled and said, “Thanks.” She’d been trying so hard to get back into my good books since the merger party. I guess she thought I’d fire her or something. She definitely didn’t know me well enough then.

“So what are we talking about?” I asked.

“Rosie”, Fran replied, rolling her eyes.

“What has she done this time?” I asked.

“She told mom I’d sent her out onto the streets with nothing but the clothes she was wearing”, Fran replied.

Sheila laughed. “Drama queen.”

“So, what did mom say?” I asked.

“What do you think? She told me to come over to her office to sign something in her will. I mean, I thought it was weird at the time, but I just went. You know how she gets when she starts talking about her death and all that. Anyway, the minute I walked in, she went on this diatribe on family  and life’s values and what was I trying to teach Willow about unity. And then she started up about what if Willow got a sister and of course, she went on to talk about the pregnancy. I swear I nearly burst a vein.”

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