The walk

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It was too much for me.

I don't even know why I was stressing myself so much when I already knew what I was getting myself into. But seeing them again, had left me feeling emotionally drained. Not even Ryker knew how to comfort me, no one knew. I wanted to be alone, so I informed Ryker that I was going for a walk by myself, even though he didn't like it.

Crossing the border, I took my clothes off and shifted into my wolf form, then picked them up with my mouth before running through the forest. I didn't know where I was going until I spotted the one place I thought I'd never see again, the cave.

Forest whimpered a little when he saw what was once our home. I shifted back into my human form and got dressed before entering the cave. I looked around in disbelief, as I couldn't believe this used to be my home. It used to be forest home when he was in control back then.

'It's cold in here.' I said to Forest who was still whimpering, sad because of the things we had experienced before.

'Y-yeah, it's always been like that. I didn't know how much I've missed it here until now.' Forest replied and I nodded my head. I'd be lying if I didn't say that this was overwhelming. The very thought of forest being here all alone while I was locked away from it was getting to me.

We spent the rest of the day talking about all the things that happened to us in the past. It's going to be difficult to move on, but I will have to try for my future.

'Where are you? It's getting late. Come straight to the office when you get home.' Ryker said through mind link and I replied with an ok. It was already getting dark by the time, forest and I were finished with reminiscing about the good old days.

So I decided that it was time for me to head back home. With a lot on my mind, I wasn't paying any attention to my surrounding, not noticing that I was being watched even with the uneasy feeling that overcame me, I didn't pay it any mind.

When I arrived home, I went straight to Ryker as requested. He wanted to see me just to make sure I was alright, so I didn't delay it any further, knowing the type of person he is. I knocked on the office door and opened it so that I could get this out of the way.

“Hey baby, come here.” He said while patting his lap, and I raised my eyebrow at him. What's with him and these terms of endearment? They were just too corny for my taste. But no matter how many times I asked him not to call me those names, he still did it.

'I'll just stand here, thank you very much.' I replied while folding my arms. It's not that I didn't want to sit on his lap, it's the fact that I knew what was going to come if I did. He knew it, too, given the fact that he was currently smirking.

“Did I tell you how much I love the way you challenge me?” He got up off his seat and made his way towards me. I backed away slowly from him, only for my back to hit the wall, stopping me from escaping. He placed both hands next to my head on the wall, then leaned down as he started to sniff my neck.

It was hard for me to concentrate when he was like this. I just wanted to talk to him without it having to do with sexual things, is that too much to ask for? I somehow managed to slip away from him, but Forest was telling me to stay put instead. I didn't listen to him because he was acting far too horny for my liking.

“Fine, I'll stop playing with you for now. How was your walk?” He asked as he made his way back to his seat.

'It was ok, I guess. Now that you've seen me, can I be excused so that I can go and take a shower?' Ah, yes. A cold shower will have to do for now. Maybe that would help cool Forest down a bit, since he was acting up right now.

'Hey I'm not acting up, well it seems as if something is up.' I groaned at what Forest had said because I knew what he meant. Damn disgusting.

'Aren't you the one who was afraid of doing anything sexual with Ryker?' I asked, trying to figure out what his deal was. Forest only grunted without answering me, I guess that's all I'll be getting from him.

“You can take a shower as long as I'm there with you. I want to fuck you so hard right now.” Ryker suggested, but I shook my head, denying him of his request. I couldn't deal with having sex right now, what forest and I talked about earlier was still on my mind, and I was just too sad to even think about sex. He had to understand when I say no and stop pushing.

'No Ryker, what part of that don't you get? I would rather not have sex with you right now.' He narrowed his eyes at me suspiciously, but then he slowly nodded his head, telling me that I could go and take a shower if I wanted.

Good. At least he wasn't pushing this. As I made my way towards my room, I couldn't stop myself from thinking about the way I felt when I was coming back home. Was someone really watching me? If so, what the hell do they want? I had a gut feeling that it's probably Andrea, but I wasn't certain if I was right.

Maybe I shouldn't have ignored my instincts back there, I knew I was being watched, but I was too much of a coward to do anything about it.

Perhaps it's nothing and I'm just exaggerating. I mean, what could possibly go wrong for me right now?

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