Getting rid of him

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“Coma? Do I look like I give a damn!?” I shouted at one of my warriors, Johnathan, who interrupted my time with Sheila. I called her to my room to let out some steam because I was sexually frustrated, but then this idiot had to come here and disturb me.

“Alpha I only thought that you would want to kn…" he didn't get to finish his sentence as I felt my temper rising even more.

“Leave! Get the fuck away from me right now!” He scurried away like a scared little rabbit, dammit! After I kicked Shelia out, I was left alone with my thoughts thanks to Johnathan. Ugh now, what am I supposed to do?

'You could go and visit our mate.' Max replied, which was the last straw. I felt my entire body shaking from anger as I started throwing things around like a mad man. I didn't stop until my room was completely trashed. That mother fucking rogue, he's to be blamed. I hurriedly made my way outside, so I can go and pull that fucking plug that should end his life.

I don't need him around, not now, not ever. When I got to the pack hospital, I made my way to his room, not stopping until I was standing next to his bed. I was disgusted by the sight that I was greeted with. No matter if he was my mate or not.

“Oh hi, alpha didn't see you there.” One of the nurses said, and I glared at her.

“Fuck off, Kimberly.” I replied, which had her nodding her head in return and running away. I went back to looking at my mate, secretly wishing I could just end his life right now.

What the hell was this so called moon goddess thought when she paired us together? I have to do something, to get rid of him, or I'd end up killing him and that's something that my wolf doesn't want. I sent a mind link to Miles, who said he was on his way. I already had a plan about what I wanted to do.

I know Miles wouldn't be stupid enough to go against my words, he's not like Damian. Shortly after he arrived, and so I started telling him what to do. He agreed to it right away, following my orders like the fool he is. Was I stupid to do this? Maybe, but do I look like I care? No. As far as I'm concerned, I didn't have a mate, he meant nothing to me.

'Have you ever wondered what had happened to him?' Max asked out of the blue, forcing an angry growl to escape my mouth.

'I'd be stupid if I wasted my time thinking about him. I could see he's nothing but a rejected freak, no one wants him, so why should I?' Max didn't want me to hurt him, but I would have if he continued his unwelcome stay here.

It wasn't a bad choice for me to reject him, I just didn't feel anything for him and I didn't want a mate. Why would I want to be tied down to one person when I could be fucking anyone I wanted? I wasn't big on commitment, so he escaped that.

Plus he was incompetent, what use would I have with him if he couldn't even talk? I don't want a handicap for a mate. I would only be laughed at, and I didn't like being taken for a fool.

'Alpha , I did what you asked if you need me, I'll be patrolling the north side of the border.' Miles said through mind link and I thanked him. See, he's much different from Damian. He's someone I could rely on, someone who's always so loyal, like a lost little puppy.

'Sheila, come to my room, I need to continue what we have started.' Sheila agreed with me and I closed the link, so I could head to my room. You might call me a prick. I don't care.

If I didn't like something or someone, they were going to see a different side of me. Mate or not, the moon goddess can fuck off if she thinks that she'll be responsible for my love life. Max growled while saying I didn't have to be so disrespectful, but I didn't listen to him. It's my mouth, and I'm free to say what I want.

When I got to my room, Sheila was already there waiting for me, just as I instructed. I didn't waste any time undressing just so I can get this over with. I pulled a condom out and put it on, better to be safe than sorry, right?

When I was about to line myself up at her entrance, I stopped. I looked down at my member as it started to get soft. What the hell? I tried to do everything to get it back up, but it wasn't working. What the hell is going on? I slammed my hand down on the bed next to Sheila's head, which she jumped a little from.

“Leave!” I roared, causing her to run right away. I felt my temper rising and that's how I knew it was going to be bad. I growled and started trashing the room, letting my anger out on it.

I knew exactly why this was happening. Max was craving his mate a lot more than Sheila. He made sure I wasn't able to have sex with her because it would somehow be a bit disrespectful for him. With me, I couldn't give a damn who decided to spread their legs for me and Max was messing things up for me.

I wasn't concerned about his beliefs or the beliefs of the moon goddess. Once I find out that it's getting in the way of my time, I won't like it one bit. Max knew but yet, he chose to ruin my time and as a result, he was left to deal with the mess he caused.

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