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Fear. That's one thing I thrived on, I fed on, which kept me alive and going. It made me feel powerful, fear is what I loved the most. Presently, it's staring back at me in the form of a rogue. With my talons extended Along with my canines getting ready for my kill of the day, I struck.

I didn't stop until I was looking at its dismembered body with a smile on my blood-covered face. I heard a gasp and looked around to find my mother and father there with their mouths open as they take in the scene in front of them.

“You are getting out of control, Ryker. This can't go on any longer.” I growled while marching up to my father, a means to kill him etched on my mind like never.

Why must they always interfere? I wasn't born a Saint, no, I'm the devil himself. I stopped in front of my father's trembling form as he took in my appearance, making sure to let my mother take cover from my wrath behind his back.

My eyes had changed from their rightful color to red, it's the color they get when I'm furious and right now, I am feeling murderous.

“Tell me, father, are you sorry the day you wasted your sperm on me?” I asked as he swallowed from nerves. I loved seeing him like this, enjoyed it, even. The big bad alpha Richard was practically pissing himself right now, and I'm the cause of it.

“You know I don't regret the day you and your brother were born, you both mean the world to me.” he closed his eyes and took a deep breath before reopening them. When he did, it was black, the color of his alpha wolf. Trying to gain control, to show me he wasn't scared, even though I had just gotten a glimpse of it.

“I apologize for doing this, son, but my people are scared. They saw the way you have changed and it's not good. The elders have already made their decisions based on the reports they have gotten. But I did everything in my power, so they wouldn't interfere any further. Even though I have threatened you before by stripping you of your title, I can't do it. I know how important this is to you.” I felt myself calming down a little, knowing that I was wrong for challenging my father. My mother was still trembling, not saying anything as she watched us with wide, fearful eyes.

“And what do they want in return?” I asked as I retracted my talons. Not appearing as deadly as I was before.

“For you to find your mate.” I shook my head at him, showing him that I wasn't going to slip up and go searching for a trash that I already got rid of.

What's the sense through? When I've already had someone in mind to be the next Luna. The so - call moon goddess did me wrong, she thought that I would change and live happily ever after with my mate, but fuck that. It's not what I want, so it will never happen.

“I'm serious Ryker, the elders were planning to take away your alpha title and demote you of your position. I had to talk some sense into them, I couldn't just walk away knowing my son's position was on the line. I had to do something, at least give me some credit here for saving your life. I'm not saying you should love your mate, I'm saying he should be here with you. I know you said you didn't want a mate and I respect that but at least try dammit!” I growled out of frustration, not liking where this was going. I had to find that good for nothing mutt to keep my alpha title. It's not fair at all.

'Life is not fair, asshole, suck it up. You need to be punished for rejecting my mate and this will be one of the best punishments for you since I have to suffer because of your decision.' Max said, and I rolled my eyes.

“Do I get a chance to at least think about it?” I asked after seeing my father's relaxed state. Knowing we weren't about to tear each other apart just to show who's the boss here.

“You get to think about it, you will only get two days.” I made a move to protest, but he held his hand up, stopping me.

“That's the deal, so you should learn to live with it. Not everything revolves around you, Ryker. Look at what you just did here, that rogue you killed looked young. A teenager the least, but you didn't care. You took yet another life and if it got to the chance where I Have to step up and challenge you, I will. Now apologize to your mother for scaring her and we'll be on our way.” Mom smiled at me while shaking her head and clapping the back of my father's head.

“What? I just thought that he should have some respect. Why are you abusing me, woman?" Dad mumbles as he looks at mom with sparkling eyes. Is this what it feels like to have a mate? Someone who was destined to be yours and only yours? I shook my head, trying to get rid of that thought. No need to think about it when I already knew what the result would be.

My father thought he was smart, thought that I would follow his every command, but that's not me. I was the bad twin, the one who saw this world differently, the one who thrives on fear and ruin people's lives for my own fucked up reasons.

After apologizing to my mother, they left, and I couldn't stop my mind from wandering to my mate. I was unable to stop myself from thinking about what my father had said.

How I could lose my alpha title just like that if I didn't accept my mate. But there was something else further in my mind that was thinking of something fucked up, and I loved every minute of it. I will have to go through with my plan, no one will find out my motives, and that's the best part of it all.

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