Confronting them

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If it were any other time, I would have locked Elias up so that he didn't have to do this. I could tell how stressed out he was already, the look on his face had me hesitating because I wasn't certain if we should go through with this or not.

The good thing about this was that we had plenty of people here that were willing to risk their lives to protect him. Raina, Miles, Damian, Ryland, Johnathan, Andre, orian , who are my warriors, were all here waiting for the go ahead. What surprised Elias the most though was the fact that Lilliana, Samuel, Brendan, and Bryan were also here.

Lilliana told him that there was no way she would let him go through something like this without being there to support him. I watched as he cried while hugging her, getting as much comfort as he could from her.

“Ready?” Raina asked, and we all answered with a yes. She was going to teleport us to the Green Bay Pack, which was easier than just running there. Once we were safe there, we would find a way of talking or Elias's parents without anyone else finding out. Raina was going to block their links to the pack, so they won't be able to send a mind link to anyone asking for help.

This is it. This is the day when I would prove to Elias how much I've changed. I held his hand as we were being teleported into the pack house. It didn't take long, so we arrived there faster than expected.

“Shields up!” Raina shouted as she held her hands up to use a spell that would protect us. No one would be able to see us with this spell, or hear us approaching to start a war. I was glad that she was here, helping us the way we couldn't help ourselves. I looked at Elias and saw that he had a faraway look on his face, I was trying my best to comfort him, but it seemed as if he was slipping.

“Baby it will be alright. No one is going to hurt you while we are here.” I said, and he nodded his head and started walking towards a door that looked to be an office.

'I can sense them in here. Get ready.' He said as he opened the door. I saw his parents sitting there with a small child in his mother's arms. At first, they didn't notice us, but then Raina dropped the shield which alerted our presence.

“What the fuck is going on? How did you get here without anyone noticing!?” Elias's father asked, getting ready to stand up from his seat, but Raina used a spell to keep him rooted in his spot. He was struggling against it, but it was too powerful for him. His mother started screaming, but Raina got to work quickly by taking her voice from her.

Wow, I was impressed. Raina was powerful, maybe even more powerful than Andrea. She gestured for Elias, who looked like he was about to pass out any minute now. His steps were shaky as he made his way towards Raina, standing next to her.

“Remember him!?” Raina asked, grabbing Elias's parents' attention, which was now focused on him. Their eyes became wide as they looked at their son, as if they had just realized he was standing in front of them.

“What is this mutt doing here? I thought he would be dead by now.” Elias's father said, and to tell you the truth I felt like killing him right then and there. Max was trying to take over, but I had to get him under control because knowing him, they would be dead before Elias got the answers he needed. Plus, I would rather not witness him eating them, so I'll pass on that one.

“It's time, Elias, close your eyes.” Raina said as they started to put our plan in action. Raina was going to tap into Elias's mind, take over and speak for him. I shivered from fright at the thought of her doing that, it was just too scary, but it was the only way for Elias to ask the questions he wanted.

“Hello mother, father. It's been so long since I've last seen you, and is that my baby brother? What's his name?” Raina's voice sounded a lot like Elias's, damn this was freaky on a whole new level.

“My son isn't your sibling. He doesn't have your poisonous blood.” Elias's father said, making him scoff.

“Desmond Emerson, quite the chatterbox, aren't you? I'm only here to find out some things you've both been keeping from me. You won't get to hurt me because, as you can see, I'm not alone. Now for the questions. What the fuck happened to my powers? And since you are so adamant that I'm not your son, who are my real parents?” Desmond was looking at Elias like he was scared, which he should be. He didn't know that Elias was going to ask him about his powers, it's like they didn't want him to figure it out.

“I-I have no clue what you're talking about. It's best if you leave and don't come back. Give Asia her voice back, and I'll pretend like none of this happened.” Desmond responded, but it seems as Elias was having none of it because Raina chanted a spell which had Desmond choking on thin air. Gasping for breath as if it were going to be his last.

“I didn't come here all the way to leave with nothing! You will tell me what I want to hear and why the fuck you didn't want me! What the hell did you do to my powers, and who are my real parents if it isn't you!?” Elias shouted, making me flinch from the tone of his voice.

“I-I'll tell you! I'll tell you, dammit! When you were born, I realized there was something different about you. We took you to a lot of specialists to find out if we could help you, but there was nothing to be done. We then took you to see Andrea, she performed a spell on you and told us about your powers. Furthermore, we didn't have the capability of dealing with a warlock child, so we asked her to take away your powers and give you an alpha title instead. I thought that she did that, but she took both your title and didn't help us because we didn't get her the right gifts she asked for as payment. If you want your powers back, you'll have to seek Andrea for help.” Desmond finishes as he continued to gasp for air. That damn witch!

“Now before I go, there's something else I wanted to ask you. Why do you hate me so much? Why did you cut my tongue out and banish me when you knew I didn't know how to take care of myself?” Elias asked as his voice wavered a bit.

“Your mother and I were just too disappointed, and we let hatred get in the way, knowing that our son wouldn't be the alpha we wanted, so we got rid of you. For your tongue, I thought that it was the only way to keep you from contacting anyone, especially Andrea for help, because I knew that you would find out about this eventually.” What a load of bullshit Desmond was spewing. I heard a noise and looked over at Lilliana, who looked like she wanted to murder him.

“Is that true mother?” Elias asked. His mother eventually got her voice back, so she answered with a yes.

“I wasn't enough for you, you were only after the title. I hope you and mom suffer for years after this. When your time comes, I'll come back for my brother and no one will be able to stop me.” Elias closes his eyes and takes control of his mind once more.

He walks up to me and broke down in my arms as I tried my best to comfort him. Nodding my head, I gave Raina the go ahead to get us home. She wipes his parents' memory before leaving so that they wouldn't recall us being there. I knew that this would be too much for him.

There's only one more thing left to do, we find Andrea and make her pay for her crimes. She lied to us before, but this time she's not getting away with it. I'll make sure of it.

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