The Train

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The cameras are already here at the station.

I straighten my face, and walk steadily onto the train. It's very luxurious in here. Well, why wouldn't it be, it was sent from the Capitol.

The couches here are soft, and look more expensive than the ones in the Justice Building. Wow.

Me and Cato have just sat down opposite each other when the train starts moving.

A door behind Cato opens, and Wane, Enobaria, Lyme, Brutus and 3 others I don't know enter. Plato follows them in.

Cato spins around quickly, and I look up. Plato stands in front of us, with all the Victors slightly to the side.

"Ah. District 2's two Tributes! I am in awe, your fighting skills Clove! Your enthusiasm Cato! The way you just lunged forward really had me thinking you were a winner! And now, you two need to pick your mentors. Now, you have the advantage. You have the good fortune of being able to choose your own mentor. You see, District 12 only has 1 Victor, Haymitch, and District 3 only has 2, Wiress and Beetee, choose wisely." Plato talks with such excitement about the games, he's not the one dying. Well, neither am I.

Cato speaks first.

"I want Wane." He's so confident with everything he says and does. It's inspiring really.

Wane won last year, in the ancient ruins arena. Very popular game.

"Do I need to have Wane now as well?" I ask.

It's not that Wane wouldn't be a good mentor, but he won't know how to present a girl. And I've always looked up to Enobaria. I want her.

"No! Not at all Clove! Since we are lucky enough to have 7 Victors willing to mentor you, you can have one each, or you can share Wane out, if he doesn't mind of course." I feel better after Plato explains this. I would rather a female mentor.

Wane just shrugs. He doesn't seem to care much about me or Cato.

"Then I want Enobaria." I try to sound as confident as Cato, and I try to sound cocky as well. It doesn't sound too bad.

"All right! Well, lunch will be soon, we'll be eating on the train." And with that Plato and the other 5 leave.

Enobaria and me go to the other side of the room, and she suggests I go get changed, she says there's something more suited to me in my room.

I enter a small bedroom, I suppose there's not much room because we're only on here for 2 hours.

I open the wardrobe doors, and I want to scream. There's so many clothes. I don't have nearly this many at home. And theres so many sizes and colours and styles.

I put on a deep red t-shirt, with black pants and go back to my new mentor.

"First, we need to discuss a tactic. You will have ally's won't you? If you don't then I need to come up with a whole new image for you." She says rather harshly as soon as she sees me.

"Oh no, I'd like ally's. Cato and District 1 if they're any good. Maybe 4 if they turn out okay." I try to sound like I already had this figured out, but I had completely forgot about being ally's with Cato.

"Good. Very good."

We talk about how to become ally's, and it's really quite simple. Impress them in training.

After about half an hour, Plato calls us through to watch the reply of all the Reaping's.

First is District 1, a girl called Glimmer is reaped, and a boy called Marvel volunteers. They both seem like good ally's to have. They're older than me, and look quite strong.

Then they show us. We both look good, with the fighting and cockiness, we seem like your perfect careers tributes.

Then District 3. A girl around my age is reaped, and an even younger boy. Not interesting really.

Then 4. The girl has long black hair, and big arms. She looks like she could tackle you to the floor. A good ally to have. The boy however is again, very young. Maybe we could take him on.

5. A red headed girl is reaped. And a boy, none of them grab my attention.

6. Again, boring. None of these tributes look promising.

For 7, the girl volunteers, but the boy looks terrified. I laugh a little. Cato smirks at me, I know we're both thinking the same thing. 'Easy kill'

8 Is just like 5&6, boring.

9 is yet again the same.

When we get to 10, the girl is ordinary, but the boy has a crippled leg. Maybe he can't run.

District 11 gave us a very young dark skinned girl with big hair, and a very handsome older boy, who looks Catos age. He doesn't look scared, he looks scary. I think he would be the perfect ally. He's strong, and could get us very many sponsors.

When we finally make it to 12, a little blonde girl is reaped, and her older sister volunteers for her. You don't normally get volunteers from a district like 12. However no one volunteers for the boy, he's blonde and has big arms, but apart from that, he's not too interesting.

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