37 - Adam

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Time meant nothing in the dark. He wasn't sure if it had been two hours or two days. He couldn't move. He couldn't talk. Adam was left alone with his thoughts, drifting in a sea of black.

It must've been what death felt like.

His mind drifted to his mom, to her smile and her laugh. He missed her. He had been grasping on to the hope of returning to her, of helping the Goddess and getting sent back to their own world. But now, in the grips of the Shadow Knight, it looked like Adam's story was going to end long before that.

Evelyn appeared in the darkness too, far away and faded. He tried to run to her, tried to reach her, but, with every step he took, she seemed to get further and further away.

His dad would be worried sick. He considered how long it would have taken them to find out that he was missing. How long it had taken them to begin searching for him. Would they save him? Or was he lost forever?

And, most of all, he thought about Landel. He couldn't help it. He thought about the Prince's curly hair and his smile and his determination and his passion. Adam had gotten so mad about that stupid bet. He had said terrible things to Landel, and for what? It had been a mistake, a dumb mistake, but everything seemed so small. The bet was so inconsequential. He shouldn't have let it consume him so much. He needed to see Landel and apologize. He needed to see Landel again.

Yes, Adam thought of Landel. A lot.

When the darkness began to recede and light broke through his vision, he thought he was dying. It must've been the light that everyone talked about, the final walk to the gates of heaven, or to the Goddess.

But it wasn't. The darkness pulled back from his eyes and Adam stared around, blinking in the sudden brightness, and panicked.

It was a campsite. A makeshift, small fire had been built and the Shadow Knight was sitting a few paces away, staring into it. At least, Adam imagined he was staring into it. It was impossible to tell anything because the man still covered his body in shadow.

They were surrounded by trees, dim in the darkness of the night. So Adam had been dragged to the middle of a forest? Was this just a stop on the way to the final destination? Or was he about to die?

He tried to wiggle out of the darkness that surrounded him, the shadow that held him. But it remained firm. It was like being locked in a casket. It was like being buried alive. It was suddenly unbearable, even though he had been stuck inside of it for a long time, he could hardly stand one more second.

"Please." Adam was shocked to hear his own hoarse voice fill the air. It sounded alien to him after all that time in the dark. "Please. Let me go."

The Shadow Knight didn't say anything. He looked forward for a few moments, and then turned his head slightly. He lifted up a shadow-covered arm and pointed to the ground in front of Adam.

Soup. He was pointing at a bowl of soup. With a wave of his hand, the Shadow Knight freed Adam's arms, keeping the rest of the prison in place.

"Food," the Shadow Knight explained, same deep, demonic voice that they had heard at the mingot mine only a few days earlier.

Adam was going to ask more questions but, at the sight of the steaming soup below, him his stomach flipped inside of him, grumbling angrily. Adam reached down, awkwardly, still impeded by the shadow, and lifted the bowl up to his mouth.

He slurped the stuff down, hardly caring whether it was poisoned or what was inside of it. At that moment, it tasted delicious. Any food would have tasted delicious.

Adam reluctantly swallowed his last gulp and licked the bowl clean before putting it back on the ground.

Why was the Shadow Knight feeding him? Clearly they had some more traveling to do if the man was keeping Adam alive. But where were they going?

Adam turned to look around. All he could see were trees, a deep forest surrounded them. Their fire was a spot of light in the desolate darkness.

He could call for help? He could scream and scream and scream. But how long would it take for the Shadow Knight to cover him again? And, if Adam did that, the man would be reluctant to let him out of his prison again. No. Adam needed to behave if he wanted to stay out of his casket.

"Who are you?" Adam said, quietly, staring at the man. The Knight didn't respond. Startlingly, Adam felt a prick of annoyance in his forehead. Some words came out of his mouth, that he knew were unwise. "Why are you doing this, huh? Why do you want to kill the Goddess? You think you could do a better job?"

The Shadow Knight's head snapped to Adam, making Adam shudder. He would have fallen back if he had had the ability too. Fuck, he should not have said that. He really shouldn't have.

"Not me. The One." The Shadow Knight garbled out.

What did that mean? The One? The Shadow Knight wasn't the head of the operation, then? There was someone else. There was The One.

"The One? So you aren't taking the soul for yourself?" Adam asked, trying to coax out more information.

The Shadow Knight seemed to shake his head. Clearly, that was the end of that conversation, so Adam changed the subject. He tried a new strategy. 

"Please. I know that the defenders will be looking for me. If you let me go now, you can run and save yourself. I won't come looking for you. Just... let me go." It was a desperate plea, but Adam was desperate. What was that cliché saying again? Desperate times call for desperate measures. "I am personal friends with the King of Sesstria and the Prince. They will pull out all of the stops to catch you, I promise. Let me go."

The Shadow Knight laughed. It was a mangled, garbled sound, but it was easy to hear the laughing underneath it.

The sound slammed into him like a chilly wind, freezing his blood.


Adam shook his head, desperate for more time in the light. "No. Please."

The Shadow Knight turned to him and waved his arm. The darkness began to consume again, his arms were pulled back against his body and the shadow crawled up his face.

The last thing he saw was the Shadow Knight standing up and kicking some mud onto the fire to put it out.

Then the darkness consumed him again and he was lost in the sea of black once again.

He only wished that he would get a chance to see Landel again.

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