12 - Chris

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Chris rubbed his hands together. "So how does this work?"

Vinton smiled. "You're eager to get pummeled to the ground by a wave?"

"You know it."

"Alright, follow me."

Vinton led him over a bridge that crossed a small body of water. It was a thin, rectangular pool that seemed to border the entrance to the hedge maze beyond, like a moat that surrounded the maze. You couldn't get to the maze without crossing one of the bridges.

The sun was beginning to set. It was sitting just above the wall of the panae court and the hedges were casting deep shadows over the stone pathways.

As they weaved through the hedges, going deeper and deeper into the maze, Vinton explained. "So, each player has to begin at opposite corners of the court. Usually the adjudicator blows a horn -- I'll just yell 'go' -- and the players begin their race to get to the coin. Now, before somebody grabs the coin, you are not allowed to use your abilities."

"And when the coin is grabbed, all bets are off?"

Vinton looked back at him. "You learn fast. The first person to take the coin back to their side of the court wins the game."

"And that's it?"

They rounded a corner and came to a central square, hedges bordering it. In the center was pedestal with a single, small coin on it. Vinton picked it up. "That's it, deelo. Simple enough, yeah?"

"Oh, man. I can't wait. I have been dying to do something," Chris said. "Back home, I played football for the Galston Crocs. I miss sports, dude. I miss them like you wouldn't believe."

The confession might've sounded a little dramatic, but it was true. Chris was like a wound-up ball of energy with nowhere to go. He needed some action. He needed to get his heart pumping.


Oh, shit. Right. Vinton wouldn't know what football was.

"You... uhh try to grab a ball and get it to another side of the court. Same idea as this, I guess," Chris said.

"And you don't get to use your powers?"

Chris shook his head. "We don't have powers in our world."

Vinton rubbed his hair a little bit, fingers sliding through it. "Your world sounds weird, deelo. One of these days you're going to have to just sit me down and tell me about it."

Chris shrugged. "Not much to tell. Not super interesting. Your's has fucking magic."

"But your's has those... what did you call them? Women?"

Chris nodded. Cassandra popped into his mind and he smiled. "Yeah. We do."

"You're a fan, yeah?"

"An admirer," Chris said.

"And what's so great about them? What do they have that men don't?" He seemed legitimately interested. He fiddled with the coin in his hand.

"It's hard to explain. They have breasts. Like... you know how we have pecs, right?" Chris made a bulbous motion overtop of his chest, showing what boobs looked like, at least what Cassandra's looked like. "For women, they come out like this. Fucking sexy, man. You know, I bet, if you came from our world, you'd be straight. You'd know what I was talking about."

He had no idea why he said that. Back home, people would have taken an issue with it. But, like, Vinton was cool. He was chill. He would be someone that Chris would play football with or scope out chicks with.

💎A Collision of Fates💎 (Straight to Gay) (MxM) (18+)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz