8 - Landel

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He knocked on the door, loudly and quickly.

If that man didn't come down soon, Landel was going to have to leave without him. They were already pushing it. They were going to be late if they waited any longer, and Adam and Chris would definitely want to walk with the convoy through the sun forest.

The door opened, but it wasn't Vinton. It was Breck, shirtless and holding a steaming mug. Goddess, the man was imposing. Even though Landel had known Breck for most of his life, he never got used to it.

"Landel," he said. "Bet you're waiting for my nephew?"

"Is he up?"

Breck shook his head. "He went out to The Goddess's Tile last night, took a guy home. They're still sleeping."

"He's going to miss the convoy."

"Has that ever bothered him before?" Breck said. "He'll catch up."

Landel shook his head. "You'll tell him I came?"


"Thanks, Mr. Xall."

When the door was shut, Landel practically sprinted up the hill and back to the castle. He got some odd, confused looks from people, but he was too late to care. He strutted over the drawbridge and into the entrance chamber. Adam and Chris were still there, thank the Goddess, and were saying goodbye to their dads. Landel gave them some space and kept a respectful distance. He had to force himself not to tap his foot on the ground impatiently. After a few moments, they turned around and walked towards Landel.

Adam still took his breath away. Something about the guy was mesmerizing and insanely attractive. The way he smiled, mischievous and knowing? His thick eyebrows? His tight pants that hugged all the right places? Who knew.

"Vinton's still sleeping, so he'll catch up with us later," Landel said, looking between them. He didn't want to take his eyes off of Adam, but he didn't want to be creepy. "Ready to go?"

Adam nodded and Chris said, "yeah, dude." They looked a little nervous, a little sad.

It hadn't been easy the first time he had left his dads to go to the Academy, either. But now it barely even got an acknowledgement from Esteck. He had said his goodbyes at breakfast that morning, and that was all he was going to get. Landel was usually back home before the King even noticed.

Landel knew that his dad loved him. That wasn't the question. But the man insisted on taking on all the work that needed to be done. Esteck had never been very good at delegating things, and that meant he barely had time for anything other than his duties. And he took those duties very seriously.

King Esteck La'Torrie had no time for rule-breaking or compromises or mistakes.

"You watch them, eh Landel? Don't let them get into any trouble," Chris's dad called from across the room. The man crossed his arms over his chest, smiling.

Landel smirked and nodded back. "I'll keep them on a tight leash."

"Good luck with that," Adam's dad said.

Maxil had already ensured that their stuff was packed and placed in the mulkey carts, so they didn't need to carry anything. But, even still, getting to the Western Gate on time would take a little bit of running.

Landel led Adam and Chris out of the castle again. They weaved through the streets of Hillside and down towards the Western Gate, where the group of students gathered before making their way to the Academy.

It was a beautiful day. The sun was punishing with its heat and Landel began to sweat as they half-jogged down the streets towards the gate.

"Are we gonna miss it?" Adam asked from behind him, breathing harder.

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