9 - Chris

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Chris ran.

He ducked under the branches of the sun forest, racing from the tree to tree, moving deeper and deeper into the woods with every panicked step.

Another roar came from behind him. He turned, trying not to lose his footing.

The monster was keeping pace. It was tearing its way through the grass, black eyes fixed to him. Predatory. Emotionless.

"Oh, shit!"

They had told him that it was safe. That nothing bad would happen to him. But, it was looking likely that his final moments were going to be spent in this forest. Chris was going to be torn to death by a monster. A fucking monster!

He leapt over a small ravine and kept running.

He crawled up an incline, hands digging into the mud, fingernails filling with dirt.

He ran into a tree, hitting his shoulder against the trunk. He grunted in pain, but kept going.

Landel wasn't here to save him. One moment they had all been together, the next it had just been him and the razor. And so he had ran into the forest and away from the group, hoping the creature wouldn't follow him. But this one seemed particularly set on mutilating Chris.

He ran and ran and ran. Faster than he had ever moved. On the football field, he tried his best, but his life was never in danger there. He was a big guy, most players couldn't take him down very easily but he wasn't the fastest runner on the team. The urgency of this chase, though, propelled him to speeds he had never gone.

He launched himself over an incline and down the other side. A purple lake appeared before him, that same purple lake they had crossed only a few minutes before. He kept running towards it. There was no other direction to go.

The sun glinted off the waters and through the bright green trees. Birds twiddled in the air, lazing around. It was a beautiful day, which made it all the worse that he was about to be torn to shreds.

He skittered to a stop at the edge of the waters and looked to the sides, assessing the rocky beach for the best direction to run in.

Another roar behind him, closer. He spun around. The razor was launching itself around the trees, running forwards, directly towards him.

Chris only had a few seconds. His heart pounded in his head. He could hardly hear himself think. He pushed himself to the side and fell into a run, moving down the edge of the lake, back towards the bridge.

"Help!" he screamed. "Someone fucking help me!"

His feet slapped against the ground, he almost fell a couple of times, but managed to stay upright. He kept shouting, crying out for a help. But none came. He was alone.

He was going to die. His mom would never know what had happened to him. His sister would never know. He was going to be killed on another planet, away from home. Suddenly, without warning, an intense sensation of isolation came upon him.

He was alone. He was all alone.

His foot hit something on the ground, and he lost his balance. Chris tumbled forward, falling onto his stomach, arms catching himself. The jagged, black pebbles of the waterfront dug into his palms painfully.

When he turned himself over and saw the monster, he realized he didn't have enough time to stand.

The razor swarmed forwards, crawling over the beach of the lake. It was getting closer, much closer. In a second, in a moment, Chris would be gone.

Chris pulled himself backwards, breathing in, holding his breath, closing his eyes, waiting for the inevitable to happen.

Water kissed his hand, a wave. He opened his eyes and turned to see the purple lake seething. He didn't quite understand what he was seeing until a giant column of water rose from the surface and turned. It rushed forward and slammed into the razor, the top of the column turning to ice right before the impact.

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