chapter 8

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Two months later~

Aurora’s pov.

I stepped out of my school’s exit gate and as expected I saw him waiting for me. As soon as his eyes got a glance of me, he gave me a soft smile and  opened the car door for me.

Wondering who is ‘him’?

The guard that Logan had hired. His name is Antonio, a single dad, 39, way older than I expected him to be. He has a 6 year old daughter, she is really polite for her age. This guy turned out to be completely opposite of what I thought he’d be like. He has a soul of a soft bunny and a body of a strong, enormous creature. He makes me feel protected and comfortable every single day. Sometimes, him, his daughter and I, we three hang out together. He is like a dad to me, and he gives me all the attention that I need.

But it isn’t as cool as it sounds. Logan has asked Antonio to supply all the information about me to him everyday. What information you may be wondering. Information like what people I talk to, and what I do and every small detail about my daily routine.

So I feel a little scared to even talk to anyone.


Right now, we are heading back to home.

Today, a new boy joined the school in the middle of the semester. It was very unusual. He wouldn’t talk to anyone unless someone talked to him first. He sat alone at lunch time and I felt bad. So I sat along with him. We introduced ourselves and he was a very polite guy. I totally liked his vibe. His name was Caleb.

To all those are wondering about Sean. We don’t talk much. I’m scared that my brothers would do something to him. We still text each other like we used to and at the end of the day I just erase all the proof of me ever texting him. We completely ignore each other at school after we came to a conclusion that it’s better that we stay away from each other for a while.


Antonio dropped me off at home. As soon as I entered the living room, I saw Logan and Vincenzo sitting with a cold face staring into my soul.

Am I in trouble?

For what dude?

Logan, using his fingers, asked me to come towards them. I, without uttering a single word , walked towards them.

Logan: “Take a seat.”

He demanded in a cold tone.

I sat down silently facing them.

Logan spoke.

Logan: “ I think I have warned you before that you shouldn’t be talking to boys. Is it too hard to understand that?”

He said getting slightly angry and raising his voice.

I kept my head down, staring at my lap and kept my mouth shut.

Logan: “ aurora! Answer the damn question, will you!?”

He said yelling loudly.

While Vincenzo kept staring into my soul.

I just talked a guy, he was just a new friend that I made. I don’t see anything wrong with that.

Looking up, straight into Logan’s eyes, I spoke with a soft voice.

Aurora: “ He was just a friend, we met today and I don’t understand why I can’t have guy friends. Just because I talk to a guy that does not mean he is my boyfriend or something. Stop being so annoying already.!”

I said getting slightly angry, still maintaining my soft voice.

Logan: “ well there is absolutely no need to talk to boys all right? And this is my last warning for you. Next time you’re getting in trouble.”

He stated in stern voice.

Aurora: “ what are you going to do huh? Take away my phone? That is all you can do, you idiot!”

Wow, I have no idea, where I got that confidence from.

I totally regret it.

I saw Logan standing up harshly and walking towards me. He bent down and grabbed my jaw. His grip was really tight and was making me tear up.

Vincenzo stood up and said.

Vincenzo: “ Logan, enough. You’re hurting her.”

Ignoring his words Logan spoke.

Logan: “ what did you just call me?”  He asked tightening his grip on my jaw.

Tears started pouring out of my eyes.

Logan: “ Think twice before you speak because next time I won’t be nice. Now for your punishment, you will do the dishes for the entire week and I’m going to keep the dish washer away this week.”

My eyes widened as he said that. There are a bunch of dishes every day, how am I supposed to wash them all by myself?  

I couldn’t argue knowing he wouldn’t like that a lot. So I kept silent.

He harshly left me jaw and walked away.

Vincenzo stood there processing all the stuff that had happened just now.

He slowly walked towards me and held my small hands in his big ones. He was about to say something before I yanked his hands away and got up from the couch. Silently sobbing, I ran towards my room. I could here large steps chasing me. I ran as fast as I could. Getting into my room, I shut my door and before I could lock it, a huge figure stepped inside my room. It was Vincenzo ofc.

He came towards me and bent down reaching my height.

Vincenzo: “ aurora calm down, please.”

He said in a soft voice and hugged me. My head rested on his chest. I sobbed for a while and finally calmed down after a while.

Cupping my head in his hands and locking his eyes with mine.

He spoke.

Vincenzo: “ aurora, he is doing all that because he is just worried for you. Please try to understand us hon. “

I kept silent.

Vincenzo: “ we have a hard time trying to protect you from everything, you know? “

He said sighing.

Vincenzo: “ We are just constantly worried about you getting hurt and we really don’t want to see you hurt.”


Aurora: “ oh really? That’s weird cuz you all hurt me more than anything in this world. I hate my life because of you all.”

I said in an angry tone.

Vincenzo: “ you don’t understand us at all aurora.”

Saying that in a disappointing tone, he got up and stepped out of room.

He felt hurt, didn’t he?

I really didn’t mean to hurt him like that.

I’m sorry vince.



That’s it for this chapter y’all.

I apologize in case you did not enjoy the chapter. I have no more ideas left for this book and don’t want to continue writing it anymore. I would love to hear your ideas, if y’all have any. Feel free to share them with me. I would definitely like to read them.

Thank you for all the support.

I really appreciate it.






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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2022 ⏰

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