chapter 6

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Aurora's pov

I woke up and I glanced at the clock and freaked out. It was 2:57. Last class in my school would be going on right now. I remembered it was a Friday today. So no school tomorrow and day after tomorrow. I was happy but then I realized I will have to face my brothers. Shit...

I dragged myself off my bed and I did my. Morning routine.

Wearing comfortable clothing I sat plopped on my bed and started scrolling through my phone.

After a while I heard a knock on my door.

The door opened and Vincenzo entered the room. We stared at each other for minute.

He softly came towards me and hugged me.

He started stroking my head and my back like he was trying to tell me everything is going to be okay. He broke the hug after a while and looked me in the eye and said.

Vincenzo: " I know it must've been hard for you. I understand. But your actions weren't cool at all. You could've spoke to us . Hmm?

I responded with a cold but soft voice.

Aurora: "I tried. Nobody understands how I feel."

Vincenzo: " Logan has a solution for your problem- oh and by the way, I've got a good news for ya!"

I stayed silent as If I didn't hear him say that. Of course I was curious about the good news.

Vincenzo: " Logan has decided not to change your schools anymore."

I lost it. I was really happy hearing that.

I gave Vincenzo a tight bone breaking hug.

Vincenzo: "uhh- I can't breath baby"

Breaking the hug I said

Aurora: "op- I'm sorry hehe. I'm so happy dude!!"

Vincenzo: " well that's good but I think you should have a little talk with Logan. He's quite upset that you're avoiding him."

Aurora: " that asshole! I won't ever talk to him again. Brainless bastard. What does he think he is huh?

I said in an angry voice.

Vincenzo: " I'll give you a 500$ if you go say that in his face."

He said laughing his ass off.

Vincenzo: " you're back bitching bout him right now but in front of him you're like a lost kitten.

Aurora: " yeah sure. Asshole"

Vincenzo: " you didn't just call me that!! You little- "

With that he started tickling me. I was laughing like an idiot. He finally stopped after I begged him a bunch of times.

Aurora: " please I'm sorry." I said still laughing a little.

Vincenzo: "okay now let's go downstairs. You haven't eaten anything since yesterday afternoon."

I made an excuse to avoid the hungry lions waiting for me.

Aurora: " I don't really have an appetite right now. I'll eat once I feel hungry."

And he caught me lying.

Vincenzo: " aww are you scared to face your brothers, hmm?"

I sighed knowing I had no way out of this. I went downstairs with him. I entered the kitchen, minding my own business I sat down on my seat. I was looking here and there, anywhere except my brothers. I could feel eyes on me. All my brothers were there except Logan. Hmm that's weird. Out of the blue Lorenzo spoke making me look at him.

Lorenzo: " what do you call a factory that makes okay products?"

I could here my brothers telling him to shut up and that his jokes sucked.

Ignoring them Lorenzo spoke

Lorenzo:" Come on auro any guesses?"

'auro' is one of the nicknames that I was given by Lorenzo. I sighed and replied even though I wasn't in the mood to.

Aurora: " eh? What is it?

Lorenzo: " satisfactory"

Lol wtf

I let out a little giggle and I could feel the my brothers get a little relieved.

After a while Logan entered the kitchen and I immediately put on a cold look on my face. He came towards me and spoke in a cold yet soft voice.

Logan: " slept well last night?"

I was shook. Logan never talks like that to me or anybody else. That was quite a bit of surprise. My brothers started whispering to each other about his new 'aura'.

I could see Logan getting annoyed. He spoke in an annoyed tone.

Logan: " is it illegal to ask my sister if she slept well or not?"

Nobody uttered a single word. It's rare to see Logan not wearing his cold and angry self.

Logan: " let's have a talk once you finish eating."

I was getting nervous and a bit scared.

What is it that he wants to talk about now?

Am I in trouble?

That's it for this chapter y'all.

Thank you for all the support.

I really appreciate it .

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