What the hell should i do?

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Natsuki's POV:

"Okay,everyone" monika opens up with her usual phrase "does everyone have their plans for setting up  for the festival?" she asks me and yuri nod yes, she smiles."Thats great, what do you guys have planned?"she asks.

"Well im going to make cupcakes obliviously and then im going to help yuri with a banner and some other decorations, but along with that we are having a sleep over so the process goes faster, n-not because i want to have a sleepover with her or anything."  i stutter trying to defend myself.

 "Hey, you know thats not a bad idea, you know i think me and sayori will have a sleepover now, this will almost most likely speed up our process too"

"Yea whatever, your're  welcome by the way."

"Well thanks natsuki"she says cheerfully i let out a small huff before we share poems.

time skip im so sorry for my laziness <3

Monika's POV:

After we finish sharing poems i dismiss everyone as sayori waves me down so we can walk home together.To be honest i think i have had a crush on sayori for a long time, every since we met 7 months ago i have been non stop thinking about how cute and nice she is...also that smile..her damn cute smile.

"Monika?Helloooo?Are you alive?"I suddenly hear sayori's voice which breaks my thoughts as i turn red looking back at her after what i was just thinking about.

"Y-yea im f-fine no need to w-worry about me haha"i stutter.

"Ok then, anyways aren't you exited!"she exclaims as the jumps up and down like a kid, i smile at this.

"About what?the sleepover?Hell yea, we haven't had one in a while"

"I know thats why im so exited"

"Haha, i can see that" she giggles which makes me blush so i turn away for a second. omg i can not handle this girl, you know what i need to learn to get a grip when im around her i don't want to give anymore hints so im going to ask her out.

"H-hey sayori, do you wanna go get boba with me in a bit if you don't mind"when i say this i see her eyes widen.

"Yesss i have been craving boba lately, your the best monika"

"Ha well not really but thanks" after i say this she looks at me with sadden eyes  

"Monika , you really are though so stop doubting yourself, you don't need to be a perfectionist you know." I jump at this and look at her in shock.

"H-how could you tell i was a perfectionist?"

"Pff thats easy you always make sure everything is going exactly how you expect them to, you always make sure everything you do is perfect, and you apologize for every little thing that is not perfect"

"I so sorry sayori i don't mean to be rude its just i-i" wait i can't just tell her how my parents forced me to be like this because every time i did something that wasn't perfect even even it was on accident such as dropping and breaking a glass or tripping over something hell they even get mad if i don't get 100s on all my tests, and yes i know its abusive but they are my parents and its not that bad.But however i do hate it also i am bisexual, which is going to be a nightmare to tell my parents because that means im "not perfect".Also i remember when i was 5 i saw these two teenagers that were both girls and me and my parents were having ice cream and i remember hearing one of them say i love you and then kiss for a moment.But obviously this did not sit right with my parents because they straight up started harassing these two telling them to "go to hell" and "keep your gay asses out of my daughters sight".All i remember after that was getting kicked out of that store and seeing one of the girls tearing up.As i lose my train of thought i feel myself get pulled in to a tight hug, i looked down and see sayori.

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