The Fight

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Natsuki's POV:


"Uggggggh" i groan to myself as i violently turn off my alarm clock.I slowly get up and and start my morning routine, as i do i start thinking of the dream i had:

I wave to monika and sayori before i started packing up my stuff then that is when i heard a familiar voice

"heyyyy nasuki"yuri says in a seductive tone which was very irregular for yuri

"H-hey yuri you wanna walk home together"

"Of course but before that i have something i want to tell you~"She says in her new weird tone.But after she says that she smiles but not her normal smile it was like a evil smile but it wasn't was kinda....ok it was really hot.But then out of no where she takes both my hands in one of hers and pins me up against a wall.

"A-AH YUR-"But before i could finish she takes her hand thats free and grabs my chin as she glided her thumb on my bottom lip.

"Shhhhh,we don't want anyone to hear us,do we?~"Then we both go silent for  a minute as we look into each others eyes and eventually  we lean in and share a deep kiss that felt like eternity and i never wanted it to end.Eventually we pull away and she rest  her head on my shoulder  as she pulls me into a gentle hug and i bring my hands down (A/N cuz her hands were pinned this entire time fyi lol)and hug her back "I love you natsuki" she says in her soft tone.

"I love you more" I say back.

I snapped back to reality and realized that i was spacing out for ten minutes. shit shit shit why am i so gay  I scolded myself mentally as i run downstairs out the door and all the way to school.As i run in the school and turn a corner I bump in to someone and i see the books they were carrying fall to the ground.

"Hey watch where your're go-"I pause as i realize i just ran into yuri well shit

"I-Im so s-sorry are y-you o-ok"She says in a very concerned tone.

"Im f-fine are you ok"I studder thinking about the dream from last night.

"Im f-fine"

"Good" I say as i help her pick up her stuff "So why are you late?" i ask cuz the silence was getting awkward.

"O-oh my c-car battery d-died so my p-parents had to j-jump start it"

"Holy crap you have a car?"

"Y-yea i assume y-you don't"

"Nope i wish tho"i laugh before finishing picking up her stuff."Hey yuri d-do you wanna w-walk to class with me?"Jesus Christ why am i studdering so much i probably sound like an idiot.

"Sure"she smiles sweetly as we walk in silence for a bit she finally says something"S-so why are you late"I blush immediately yea no way in hell im telling her the real reason.

"I just slept through my alarm"She giggles at that damn shes cute.I feel myself start to blush but i don't want her to know so i play it off."Hey what are you laughing at!" well shit here goes my bitchy attitude again .

"N-nothing!"we walk in silence the rest of the way until i reach my class.

"This is my class"

"Oh right well see you at the club"

"Cya"I say before entering my class.

"Natsuki!"I hear my teacher yell.


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