Wrong Place, Right Time - Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Nara's POV


The morning haze slowly woke me up. I rolled over to see Masie and Mason peacefully sleeping on the other side of the tent. I quietly threw on my beanie and grabbed my skateboard and backpack. I zipped the tent back up and checked my surrounds as I push off the concrete.

Los Angeles never sleeps, I swear. I looked around at the people and cars that have just started their days. The sun was still below the horizon. It had to be at least 5 am.

It was much more fun to ride around in the early morning. I decided i'd take a trip to Venice beach for the early morning before it was super crowded. I had saved enough money for a ticket for the metro.

It is almost a two hour trip there by train, but I love the ride.

I arrived at the Burbank station, which was the closest, and purchased my ticket. I went to the top floor of the train and took a seat, placing my things by my side. The train started on its way, so I pulled out a book I've been reading.

To be honest, I love learning. Unfortunately, I've never been to an actual school. All my knowledge was come from various places. The times I've stayed in a shelter, they've brought in a volunteer teacher or tutor. I actually learned a lot during the shelter teaching sessions. Along with that, Masie and Mason have taught me all they know and they know a lot. I've also learned a lot from a fellow homeless friend called John the Intelligent. He earned the title from teaching homeless people in reading and writing. John used to be a high school teacher before. Everyone in the homeless community loves and greatly respects John and so do I. John tells me i'm naturally gifted with knowledge for someone who is in my situation. He always encourages me to never stop learning and improving and I promise him that I won't.

As I turn another page of my book, I look up to see that the sun has now risen low in the sky and the palm trees are passing by. I smile as I arrive in Venice. I have been saving to go because I really wanted to skate.

I step off the train and check the next time i'll need to be back at the station to catch the train back home. I exit and speed on my board towards the skatepark.

When it comes into view, It takes my breath away. I've waited so long for this trip. The beach, the excitement, the people, the skatepark: it all made me happy. I stopped at the corner of the bowls to watch some dudes trying to show off to anyone. I smirked to myself as they both simultaneously ate it.

This was my chance.

I dropped into the bowl. Slowly, I adapted to the different environment. With cunning skill, I grinded along the edge of the bowl as I pulled some sick tricks. As I finished my tricks, I jumped back on the ledge, sitting down in the process. I felt a hand tap me on the shoulder. I turned around and looked up at the stranger.

"Hey there. You shred, little dude." a tall, skinny African American man smiled.

I smiled back. "Thanks, man."

"Seriously, you are one sick chick." he said sitting down next to me.

"I've never had someone compliment my skating." I grinned looking down.

"How old are you anyways, kid?"


"Where are your parents?"

"I don't have any."


"Yeah." I said looking down.

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