Chapter 12: Showdown

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"Here, take this pill," Ivanka offered.

"What's in it?"

"Vitamins, protein, caffeine, and other substances to give you energy."

Mercury gulped the pill down with some water, her face scrunching up in disgust. "Ewww, that pill is gross. It tastes like expired milk and fish."

Ivanka chuckled, loading her backpack with small devices. "These devices I'm putting in your bag now are what I call electro nets. Hide them somewhere where you expect Raven will go."

"Thanks, I'll use them. Before I go, is there a quiet spot I can go to for a minute?"

The sun tinted everything in its path red, even the room she stood in. Clouds above the city looked like orange cotton candy and the birds flying across the bold sky made the sunset look like a painting.

She dropped to her knees and closed her eyes, letting her body relax for a moment. "Lord, thank you for keeping me safe on my trip and blessing me all my life. I ask you to be by my side when I fight him, give me your Holy Armor and the wisdom to defeat him. Give me the strength of you and your son's name. Please forgive me for all of my sins, and let me make smart decisions. God, please keep everyone in Vlopolis and around the world safe. Please watch over everyone and me. I pray this trusting and believing in you, amen."

Ivanka and Mercury stood on the roof of the building, looking down below at all the people and cars. "You ok? You seem a little nervous by your body movements."

"Yeah, just a little fidgety, that's all."

They both fell silent, listening to the common sounds of the city before the screams and wails.

"You have been very helpful to me. You're smart, especially with technology, experienced, and a good friend. You're a leader. If I die, I want you to be the next Purple Death. You deserve the title next."

Ivanka took in a cleansing breath, eyes gazing straight into Mercury's. "Okay" she nodded. She stepped closer and wrapped both arms around her, squeezing her as if she wasn't going to see her again, which Mercury wasn't sure of either. "Stay safe."

A single tear coursed down her cheek behind her mask.

"Good luck," Ivanka said, releasing her from the hug.

Mercury nodded and jumped off the building, her stomach dropping like she was on a roller coaster. She pulled the cord on her backpack, wingsuit fanning out around her arms and legs. "Halo, scan through all the buildings in front of me."

"One moment." Halo scanned through the buildings like an x-ray and then displayed the heat signatures of all people in the buildings. In a skyscraper under construction, there were two people, one with wings on the highest floor and the other who looked like a normal person on the fiftieth floor.

She landed on various rooftops, installing electro nets in hidden spots and crevices. On a building close to the skyscraper Raven was in, she twisted on a silencer to the barrel of her sniper rifle and changed the scope. I'm going to try to snipe him from here. She surveyed the outside of the floor Raven was on, looking for any holes or windows to shoot him through. None.

Gonna have to go inside.

She swung onto the building silently, entering through a window on the eightieth floor, and walked as quiet as a mouse up the concrete stairs.

The top story was dim and gloomy. No windows, no light, nothing. It was hard for her to see.

"Justice, greed, fear, revenge, love, hate. Those are some of the motives that drive people to achieve their goals. Which one do you think drives me?" Raven scowled, stepping out of the shadows. He wore the same outfit he had on when he attacked her at Yeo's Market. Black racer jacket, black padded armor, tactical gloves, cargo pants, and black boots. His glowing eyes were the only source of light in the room. His huge, black, metal wings rattled together as he walked off the steps of a raised concrete platform.

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