Chapter 7: Dreams

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WHACK! A wooden table broke in half as Tyler sliced it with his sword. Jin Khan covered his face from laughter with a book he was reading. "Purple Death has the flash drive! She's going to find out what I'm going to do!" Tyler fumed. A vein on his forehead pulsed from the stress. He threw a beer bottle across the room, where it shattered.

Jin let out a small, but quiet giggle. "Calm down! One thing she doesn't know is that I'm going to do something big that no one other than you knows about. At least you killed the Weather Warden today! One less hero."

"Yeah, I guess, but she still has some information about the plan." Tyler quickly drank from a beer bottle that was on the counter, hoping it would calm him down.

A frown crossed Jin's face. "Every time you get mad you get drunk. Try not to this time."

"Don't tell me what to do."

"I know, I know, but whenever you do, you go nuts. Once you threw one of your metal feathers at me but completely missed because you were so drunk. Plus, It's not healthy."


Jin closed his book. "Who do you think the Purple Death is?"

Tyler shook his head and shrugged. "I don't know. Weather Warden knew who she was because they used to be friends. I choked one of his friends, like, two hours ago. The friend said he didn't know who the Purple Death was, so I just killed him." He took another sip of his beer. "What time is it?"


"Do you want to come with me to Vlopolis and steal from the Chimeras?"

"What? No! They're one of the most violent gangs in Georgia! Also, haven't you already caused enough trouble today? The police might be looking for you."

"They're always looking for me. So are you coming or not?"

"No, I have school tomorrow. It's already pretty late."

"Ok, I'll just go."

Jin got off the couch and went to his car outside. His car was a Honda Civic from 2093 that his mom gave to him. He is a junior at the Lillo High school in the suburbs of Vlopolis. Tyler met him when he saved him from being attacked by Lioness, a villain of Vlopolis who got her powers from lion test subjects of the H.E.R. Project in Tanzania. Her real name is Charlotte Nwosu, and she has the powers of lion manipulation and she can have the abilities of a lion. Charlotte was a warrior and daughter of a chief in the Maasai village in Africa, but when someone in nearby villages murdered her father, she used her powers to summon lions and destroy all villages in Northern Tanzania, killing everyone in them. She and Tyler have had a short rivalry with each other, but Lioness recently wanted to end it by giving him a couple of thousand dollars as a truce.

Tyler only saved Jin because he sensed a power in him that could get him what he wanted. A power that could destroy people from the inside. Jin told him that his mother was a test subject of the H.E.R. Project, and the scientists gave her the power of teleportation, where she could travel instantly from one location to another.

He spread his wings and flew out of the small hole in the roof of the cave to the city.

"You got more cash?" a woman with tattoos on her arm asked.

"Yeah." An older man, probably sixty, unlocked a briefcase, showing the woman the money that was stacked inside.

She let him inside a gate leading to an alley. The man walked through and disappeared behind the corner. Tyler heard something like metal dropping on the floor coming from the alley. He used his sharp Verdantanium talons from his gloves to hang onto the brick of an old cathedral down the street. I'm surprised no one ever notices me hiding in places because of my wings and glowing eyes. I thought it'll be easy to see me but I guess not.

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