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Noah and Lia got back together and it didn't feel as bad as Noah thought. After a week, news about the two dating again spread around the school, until it reached the 2nd years, reaching Rose's ears.

'Good for him'. She thought, slightly feeling disturbed.

Despite teling each other to not be distant, Noah felt like Rose was ignoring him. He was becoming distant with the latter and he wasn't sure if it was because they rarely see each other, but then again, sometimes they'd bump into each other or if Liam was holding her back. He knew Liam wouldn't give up on Rose easily, so Noah kind of understood if that's the reason why Rose had been ignoring him.

Rose on the other hand, didn't mean to feel distant. She does think she's being distant with Noah, but it's just that she feels she should give him space, especially with Lia. The fact that she still couldn't shake the feeling that she was still Noah's soulmate didn't help either. Liam had also been extra clingy with Rose, it's not that the brown hair didn't like it, he's her boyfriend, she loves him dearly, but it felt kind of suffocating. Rose knows Liam is afraid she might go with Noah, but Rose had convinced her boyfriend a couple times. So, she thinks she does have to be distant with Noah somehow, although she didn't like it.

And just like that, another week of high school was over and there came the weekends.

"What? You promised to go shopping with mel!" Noah yelled at Cole.

"But I promised Lexi a date." Cole shrugged.

"But I'm your best friend!"

"But she's my girlfriend!"

"You-wahh, what an annoying couple you guys are"
Noah says as he rubs his face in frustration.

"Why not ask Lia out? You guys haven't gone for a date after being 'official' again"

"She's got model stuff."

Cole zips up his backpack and walk towards the door. Not only did he promised date with Lexi, they even promised a sleepover, leaving Noah all alone in the apartment.

"You're the worst." the younger pouts and crosses his arms.

"Puppy eyes won't work, Noah. Take care of the
apartment, my little bear bear"

"Shut up" Noah tosses a cushion at the apartment door but it hits the door as Cole quickly shuts it closed.

The latter lies on the couch huffing and stared at the spinning fan. He then takes out his phone and messages a few of his close friends, asking if they want to hang out this weekend. But to his depressing self, he received the exact
same answer: REJECTION.

He didn't have anyone else to hang out with. He groans in frustration and then continues to scroll through his contacts when suddenly his eyes landed on a specific contact of his. Rose.

'Should I?'

They aren't talking and they both seem distant with one another. And Rose probably has plans with Liam. But it wouldn't hurt to ask right?


The Most handsome man:
Are you free this weekend?

Rose changed The Most handsome man to      Noah

Umm yea?

No dates with Liam?

Hah No he is visiting his family this weekend.

Ehmm I mean
Wanna hangout with me this weekend?

Are you asking me on a date?

    Well If you want it to be a date then date it is!

Shut up
you have a gf

And you have a bf

Why not go out with Lia?

She's got model stuff
Come on Rose
Just one time pleasee

Its not like I have some thing to do anyways.

Is that a yes?


Im not taking NO as an answer

Then why did you ask me?!

10am outside the cafe

WAIT! I didn't agree tho

See you 💕

Noah Collins


Noah chuckles at the reaction of the younger and leaves him on read. He slightly tosses his phone on the coffee table. He puts a hand behind his head and once again he stares back at the ceiling. But this time, the corners of his lips curve up and he feels a tingling feeling in his stomach.

Noah was planning out what the two should do.
Maybe, watch a movie, or head out to the arcade, just the usual things two teenage students would do. Of course, Noah had some shopping to do, he needed to replace a few garments in his wardrobe, but he didn't want to bore Rose with just shopping, so he really thinks he need to plan out a great hang out, it's the first step to being friends with the latter, especially after what they've been through and all the silent treatment they've been giving each other.

Noah's thoughts were once again intervened when his phone chimes again. He thinks it might be Cole who probably left the apartment keys, because that's something that frequently happens, but no, it wasn't, instead his phone reveals a message from Lia.


Hey Noah
My photoshoots are cancelled for this weekend.
wanna hangout?

Im sorry Lia!
I am visiting my parents this weekend
Next time alright?

Sure no problem
Have a good time

You too♥️


Noah hated lying to his girlfriend, especially when they just got back together a week ago, he just didn't want to suddenly ditch his plan with Rose. (lol, Rose didn't even agree, but whatever)

He places his phone on the coffee table again and lies down back on the sofa, once again, a smile plastered all over his face.

He couldn't wait for tomorrow.

Helloww .. Should I give you guys a spoiler for their date- oh sorry hangout? ok let me

Spoiler: 👉👈

hahah now guess what?

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