Chapter 22

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A/N: Hello beautiful readers! Here is what I imagine Crow to look like! Created on @Kashiwa mochi nagita's Picrew! Enjoy the chapter!

A day after the storm passed Peter, after giving everyone their daily chores, had pulled you back to bed. His grip was strong as he cuddled you close and his eyes seemed a bit glazey. The heat that radiated from him was a bit worrying and a quick palm pressed to his forehead revealed the cause. Peter had a fever. You felt rather torn as he pulled you close, murmuring something in slurred words you couldn't decipher. This was Peter, the man who hurt Wendy and Goose and Edwin. But this was also Peter who saved you and Owen from a war-torn city, Peter who flew you around on sunny days, Peter who looked after the Boys with you. Which Peter would win out in your mind to decide whether or not to help him?

As you went to sit up to potentially get one of the boys, he'd caught the back of your shirt. His glazed eyes were needy and looked to be tearing up at the notion of you leaving. "Please... darling... don't leave me." His voice came out scratchy and you froze. Your eyes stared into his eyes for what felt like years before you made a decision. You called over Tinkerbell, who jingled warmly, and told her to fetch whoever seemed the least busy of the boys. She flew off shortly after, the sound of bells leaving with her. Turning back around to assess Peter you sighed as you realized he was asleep. At least he wouldn't be boring holes into your heart with those eyes of his.

Tinkerbell soon returned with Blue Jay, who didn't look too bothered when you asked him to get a washcloth and a small jar of water for Peter. When he returned you dampened the cloth and draped it over Peter's forehead in a small effort to lower the fever. Blue Jay left after a bit, going back to whatever he was doing, but you stayed at Peter's side, watching over him.

Meanwhile Crow was walking down Mermaid Beach. He'd already talked to the mermaids for a while and now he was bored. You were busy with him. Since he'd heard the stories from you, Crow hadn't trusted Peter. The more he watched the more uneasy your uncomfortableness made him. Why couldn't Peter see just how pained you looked being with him? Maybe it was just his way. Blissful ignorance. He kicked a pebble in his path but stopped when he saw a girl sitting by the surf. She smiled at him and waved him over. "My name is Wendy. How about we have a little talk?"

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