Chapter 2

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The sound of explosions was all that was known right now. Nights and days peppered with trips to the air raid shelter. Out of all the kids at the orphanage you and Owen were some of the few that hadn't yet been sent off to the country. It wouldn't be long before it happened though. 

Already you'd heard Mrs.Cole talking on the telephone to someone about taking the two of you in. The only way you'd get Owen to sleep was by telling stories of far away places or singing him a quiet lullaby to try and mask the sound of explosions. Whether or not they were close hardly mattered, either way someone would get hurt.

It was another one of those nights where bombs could be heard in the distance. Owen huddled into you as you made up a tale to help him get to bed. One about a distant kingdom where there were no bombs, no air raid sirens, no rubble where buildings once stood. One about a place of peace and prosperity with all sorts of magical creatures and beings. You continued whispering even after he'd fallen asleep, soothing yourself with your own tale. Slowly you fell asleep as well, your whispers fading into silence as you held Owen close.

When you woke up it was still dark out. Owen was dead asleep in your arms, the blanket half falling off of him. Glancing around the room you froze when you noticed the window was open and a cool breeze was blowing in. 

The building was old but the latches on the windows were sturdy and it had been closed before you'd fallen asleep. Glancing around you froze when you noticed the shadow again. It was clear in the sliver of moonlight shining through the open window. You stared at it and it seemed to stare back at you. However it wasn't long before your attention was drawn back to the window as a thud was heard. Sitting on the windowsill was a boy who looked to be maybe a year or two older than yourself. 

"Shadow, you know you shouldn't run off." The shadow jumped before slowly returning to the boy, mirroring him once again. You gripped Owen tighter as the boy now approached you, placing a finger under your chin and tilting your head up to look at you and you at him. 

"Now who might you be lovely?"

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