Chapter 13

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As time passed you started to grow closer to Peter and the other Lost Boys. You learned how to scavenge, tell apart poisonous and non poisonous berries and mushrooms, and hunt. Despite the fact that you didn't have your own weapons, Peter didn't allow it, you had learned how to strategically use a knife. Goose had started acting strange lately. You weren't sure if it was only you who noticed it, though. None of the others seemed put off by it so maybe it was just you. However Peter had also started disappearing more. He wouldn't be in the bed when you woke up, appearing sometime after breakfast, before disappearing again after dinner. Or that was until one morning.

"Last night I brought Goose back to London. He was very homesick. He wanted me to tell you all that he was sorry for not telling you in advance but he didn't want it to be a big deal." You felt sad but not as shaken up as some of the others. Swan and Hawk started crying, being comforted by Blue Jay. Tinkerbell landed on your shoulder, jingling in your ear. You couldn't tell what she was saying but her jingles were quicker than usual. Was she crying or something? "I'll be gone tonight to find a new companion for us. However I'll be back tomorrow morning, hopefully with a new friend." A tiny voice in your head spoke up wondering why Peter was so quick to replace Goose. After all, Hawk and Swan were still crying and Goose had left last night. Shouldn't he have given them some time to get over it first? As well as the others? However, as breakfast ended you found yourself walking off towards the cove. You were hoping to get some alone time and maybe see the mermaids again. They had seemed familiar with Peter so maybe they'd give you some answers. Unbeknownst to you, eyes followed you as you walked towards the beach, waiting for the right moment to strike.

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